| |
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:Î p:Üj:a
Perceiving the true Identity of the Absolute
The meaning of p:Üj:a(Pooja) is not something like performing a ritual by
murmuring some Sanskrit words, closing your eyes and praying for something
good should happen to yourself and your family. p:Üj:a(Pooja) means
performing any of your day to day routines with honesty, sincerity and
complete devotion to the work you perform without any expectations, personal
gains and fruits of the work performed. This work in turn must be offered to
the supreme creator, sustainer, protector and the destroyer of all the evils
as His services.
As an example, mother and father provide services to their children by
providing food, clothing, support in their education, plays, toys, health
care, sometimes punishments, sometimes compassion, sometimes anger, sometimes
love. They do not expect anything in turn from their children. This is the
Pooja of the parents towards their son, as if it is offered to
b:al:ká\N:(Bala-Krishna). It is the Pooja towards their daughter, as if
offered to b:al:l:xm:i(Bala-Laxmi).
s:ty:(Satya) means truth and n:aray:N:(Narayana) is the Absolute.
Perceiving the true identity of the Absolute, at least trying to know the true
identity of the Absolute with sincerity, honesty and complete devotion is the
s:ty: n:aray:N:Î p:Üj:a.
In the s:ty: n:aray:N:Î p:Üj:ait is a practice to use Betel nuts, Betel
leaves, flowers, a copper pot, a coconut, some leaves of mango tree and
similar items. Why we use these items? To imagine, to make some concepts in
our mind and take our imagination wild and try to understand the Absolute.
In reality, these betel nuts are not God Ganesh, planets in out solar system
or the eight directions. This pot is not the universe, the coconut on the top
of this pot is not the head of the creator of the universe, the idol that we
worship is just a piece of metal and not the almighty God. We use these items
to have some specific concepts in our mind. We use these items to represent
what we think. To make it simple to understand. You see in our every day life
how small children play with their toys. They make one as GI Joe. They make
some as the enemies of GI Joe. They bring Barbie dolls in their imagination.
They pretend that their dolls are getting married. They pretend that the dolls
are having babies. They pretend that a great war is going on and GI Joe is
fighting with all his resources against the enemy. The entire imaginary world
appears in their mind in seconds. We do not call these children as crazy kids.
We do not consider that there is something wrong with them. In fact, we praise
what they are doing. We encourage them to play like this. We spend money to
buy such toys.
In s:ty: n:aray:N:Î p:Üj:aalso we are using these imaginary concepts to
discover the reality of the Absolute. It is going to help us in trying to
understand the truth about the Absolute. In performing this routine, if we use
honesty, sincerity, complete devotion to the routine, one day, we will be able
to find the true nature, the true form, s:ty: sv:-p:, of the Absolute.
We always start our p:Üj:a(Pooja) with !(OM). !(OM) means
"I AM". It means the beginning of all creation. It means the start of
awareness. It is the start of consciousness. Even when we close our eyes, due
to this consciousness, due to this awareness, due to this "I AM" NESS, due to
this !(OM) the entire universe, the unlimited number of galaxies,
infinite number of stars in the galaxies, our milky way galaxy, the solar
system, the planets in the solar system, our earth, our continent, our
country, our State, our County, our City, this place, the people gathered
around us manifest in front of us. If this consciousness, this awareness,
this "I AM" NESS, this !(OM) disappears, the entire manifestation will
disappear. We therefore, start our p:Üj:a(Pooja) with !(OM). Each
individual manifestation has been identified with a name. Names are given for
the sake of recognition. We have selected following twenty four (24) names.
For acknowledgment of the first three names we take a sip of spoonful of
water using this copper spoon p:Li. The fourth spoonful of water we
release in this copper dish t:aÉN:.
! Â:i kñS:v:ay: n:m:H. n:aray:N:ay: n:m:H.
m:aD:v:ay: n:m:H. g::ðev:nday: n:m:H.
ev:\N:v:ð n:m:H. m:D:Øs:Üdn:ay: n:m:H.
e*:ev:#m:ay: n:m:H. v:am:n:ay: n:m:H.
Â:iD:ray: n:m:H. Æe\:kñS:ay: n:m:H.
p:¼n:aB:ay: n:m:H. dam::ðdray: n:m:H.
s:ök\:üN:ay: n:m:H. v:as:Ødðv:ay: n:m:H.
)½Ømn:ay: n:m:H. Aen:,¹ay: n:m:H.
p:Ø,\::ð¶:m:ay: n:m:H. AD::ðx:j:ay: n:m:H.
n:ares:öhay: n:m:H. Acy:Øt:ay: n:m:H.
j:n:adün:ay: n:m:H. up:ðndÓay: n:m:H.
hry:ð n:m:H. ! Â:iká\N:ay: n:m:H.
Next we acknowledge that breathing is essential to continue with our
awareness by inhaling deep and exhaling. This is called )aN:ay:am:Î. We
perform it at least three times during the p:Üj:a(Pooja).
)N:v:sy: p:rb:ÒÉ?e\:H. p:rm:atm:a dðv:t:a.
dòv:i g:ay:*:icCndH. )aN:ay:am:ð ev:en:y::ðg:H.
Plase threfore, close your eyes, breathe in deeply and hold your breath and
meditate in search of who really you are. Exhale at the end of each
)aN:ay:am:. Do this three times.
! B:ÜH. ! B:Øv:H. ! sv:H. ! m:hH.
! j:n:H. ! t:p:H. ! s:ty:m:Î.
! t:t:Î s:ev:t:Øv:ürðNy:m:Î. B:g::ðü dðv:sy: D:im:eh.
eD:y::ð y::ð n:H )c::ðdy:at:Î.
! A:p::ðjy::ðet: rs::ðm:àt:m:Î
b:ÒÉB:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:r:ðm:Î.
You may now open your eyes, breathe normally. I have just said that I am
aware of the earth (! B:ÜH), the infinite space (! B:Øv:H), the
Sun (! sv:H), the infinite number of planets (! m:hH), our milky
way galaxy (! j:n:H), the infinite number of galaxies (! t:p:H),
the Absolute Truth (! s:ty:m:Î). Let the Supreme Lord of the universe
inspire our intellect to perceive His unimaginable and most radiant form.
The next step is to acknowledge our awareness of the manifestation of all the
Gods of the universe including our parents. You may ask if I believe in
several Gods and is it not true that there is only one God? To perceive the
correct answer we must first start with self realization.
We are HUMAN. The entire manifestation consists of non living and living
entities. Each non living and living entity as a heavenly body is regulated
with some basic fundamental principle. This principle is called DHARMA
(D:m:ü). DHARMA (D:m:ü) of copper is different from the DHARMA
(D:m:ü) of gold. That is why one is recognized as copper and the other
as gold. Non living things and living things have fully developed bodies.
Body means something which occupies space. Next to non living entities comes
the vegetation. Vegetation has fully developed body and in addition to this,
there is just a touch of, just a start of development of MIND. Sunflower for
example, always faces towards the Sun. Roots of a tree always grow in the
ground and rest of the canopy always grows in the air. The leaves of certain
vines known as 'Touch Me Not' or (l:aj:aLÝ), if touched, collapse and close
Animals on the other hand have fully developed bodies and fully developed
mind. Only HUMAN has, in addition to a fully developed body and a fully
developed mind a capacity called intellect. Intellect means capacity to
perceive, capacity to understand, capacity to reason and select, make a
proper decision between what is right and what is wrong. There will not be
any difference between an animal and an human if the human is unable to
decide between what is right and what is wrong. It is the basic fundamental
principle under which Human IN the Universe must perform, must behave. It is
HINDU DHARMA (ehndÙ D:m:ü). H stands for Human, IN, D stands for "the"
and U stands for Universe.
The HINDU or Human IN D Universe has a delicate balance between righteousness
and un-righteousness or wickedness. If this balance tilts towards
righteousness we are on the side of God and if it tilts towards
un-righteousness we will be like Raxasas or devils. It must always be our
goal to stay heavy with our utmost capacity towards righteousness and tilt
the balance all the way to the righteousness with no sign of un-righteousness.
When this occurs there will be nothing but God.
If a human has righteousness, always selects right from wrong, he can be
considered as God. Please remember here that God (IÃ:r)is not the same
as the supreme personality or the Absolute (p:rm:ðÃ:r). Also one can
not decide himself or herself whether he or she is righteous or not. He or
she has to be a righteous person in the eyes of others.
A person is called evil or RAXASA (rax:s:) if that person always selects
wrong. In my mind therefore, there are several Gods in the universe who always
select right from wrong. Let us therefore, acknowledge the presence of all
such Gods and honor them with our respect towards them.
! Â:im:nm:hag:N:aeD:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
EÄdðv:t:aBy::ð n:m:H. kÙl:dðv:t:aBy::ð n:m:H.
g:Òam:dðv:t:aBy::ð n:m:H. v:ast:Ødðv:t:aBy::ð n:m:H.
m:at:aep:t:àBy:am:Î n:m:H. um:am:hðÃ:raBy:am:Î n:m:H.
Â:il:xm:in:aray:N:aBy:am:Î n:m:H. s:v:ðüBy::ð dðv:ðBy::ð n:m::ð n:m:H.
s:v:ðüBy::ð b:ÒaÉN:ðBy::ð n:m::ð n:m:H. en:ev:üGn:m:st:Ø.
s:Øm:ØK:Á: Okdnt:Á: kep:l::ð g:j:kN:ükH.
l:mb::ðdrÁ: ev:kX:ð ev:Gn:n:aS::ð g:N:aeD:p:H.
D:Üm:Òkñt:Øg:üN:aDy:x::ð B:al:c:ndÓ:ð g:j:an:n:H.
¾adS:òt:aen: n:am:aen: y:H p:Yðt:Î S:àN:Øy:adep:.
ev:½armB:ð ev:v:ahð c: )v:ðS:ð en:g:üm:ð t:T:a.
s:ög:Òam:ð s:ökXð c:òv: ev:Gn:st:sy: n: j:ay:t:ð.
S:ØVl:amb:rD:rm:Î dðv:m:Î S:eS:v:N:üm:Î c:t:ØB:Øüj:m:Î.
)s:Àv:dn:m:Î Dy:ay:ðt:Î s:v:üev:Gn::ðp:S:ant:y:ð.
s:v:ü m:¤l: m:a¤ly:ð eS:v:ð s:v:aüT:ü s:aeD:kñ.
S:rNy:ð *y:mb:kñ g::òer n:aray:eN: n:m::ð|st:Ø t:ð.
s:v:üda s:v:ü kay:ðü\:Ø n:aest: t:ð\:am:m:¤l:m:Î.
y:ð\:am:Î ÆedsT::ð B:g:v:an:Î m:¤l:ay:t:n:m:Î herH.
t:dðv: l:gn:m:Î s:Øedn:m:Î t:dðv:.
t:arab:l:m:Î c:ndÓb:l:m:Î t:dðv:.
ev:½ab:l:m:Î dòv:b:l:m:Î t:dðv:.
l:xm:ip:t:ð t:ð|e{ÏG:Òy:Øg:m:Î sm:raem:.
l:aB:st:ð\:am:Î j:y:st:ð\:am:Î kÙt:st:ð\:am:Î p:raj:y:H.
y:ð\:aem:ndiv:rSy:am::ð Ædy:sT::ð j:n:adün:H.
ev:n:ay:km:Î g:Ø,m:Î B:an:Øm:Î b:ÒÉev:\N:Ø m:hðÃ:ran:Î.
s:rsv:t:im:Î )N:my:ad:ò s:v:ü kay:aüT:ü es:¹y:ð.
AB:ieps:t:aT:ü es:¹Ðy:T:üm:Î p:Üej:t::ð y:H s:Øras:ØròH.
s:v:üev:Gn:hrst:sm:ò g:N:aeD:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
s:v:ðü\v:arbD:kay:ðü\:Ø *:y:es*:B:Øv:n:ðÃ:raH.
dðv:aH edS:nt:Ø n:H es:e¹m:Î b:ÒÉðS:an:j:n:adün:aH.
Remember, we are acknowledging our awareness, our consciousness, our "I AM"
NESS, our OM (!) of the manifestation of our surrounding, Which planet
we belong to, which continent we are in, which country, which State, which
county, which City, whose house, which year, which month, which day and what
time. The same thing is narrated here in Sanskrit in this p:Üj:a(Pooja) as
Â:im:»g:v:t::ð m:hap:Ø,\:sy: ev:\N::ðrawy:a
)v:t:üm:an:sy: A½ b:ÒÉN::ð e¾t:iy:ð p:raD:ðü
ev:\N:Øp:dð Â:iÃ:ðt:v:arahklp:ð v:òv:sv:t: m:nv:nt:rð
kel:y:Øg:ð )T:m: c:rN:ð
(B:rt:v:\:ðü B:rt:K:NRð j:mb:ؾip:ð dNRkarNy:ð dðS:ð
g::ðdav:y:aüH dex:N:ðt:irð)
p:at:al:ant:rð Am:ðerka K:NRð .................g:Òam:ð
S:ael:v:ahn: S:kñ ................n:am: s:öv:ts:rð
................y:N:ð ................?t::ò
................m:as:ð ................p:x:ð
................et:T::ò ................v:as:rð
................edv:s: n:x:*:ð ev:\N:Øy::ðg:ð ev:\N:ØkrN:ð
................esT:t:ð v:t:üm:an:ð c:ndÓð
................esT:t:ð Â:is:Üy:ðü S:ØB:esT:t:ð dðv:g:Ør:ò
S:ð\:ð\:Ø g:Òhð\:Ø y:T:ay:T:m:Î raeS:sT:an:esT:t:ð\:Ø s:ts:Ø
S:ØB:n:am:y::ðg:ð S:ØB:krN:ð Ov:ög:ØN:ev:S:ð\:N:
ev:eS:Äay:am:Î S:ØB:p:ØNy:et:T::ò
Now we express our desire regarding what we are trying to achieve while
performing this p:Üj:a(Pooja). The main purpose of today's function is to
perceive the truth about the Absolute. We are not expecting any material
gains, prosperity or wealth. If we achieve our goal we are going to be happy
and we will have peace of mind. This peace of mind in turn will automatically
provide us good health, richness in the knowledge about the Absolute. We will
be relieved of all the confusion in our mind. Our minds will not be restless. Our minds will be purified.
We are going to beg, plead the Absolute truth to arrive here and to shower
His grace upon us. It is necessary for someone to guard this place and
protect us while we meditate and eagerly wait for the arrival of the Absolute
truth. When the Absolute Truth sees that this guard is standing and guarding
this place, The Absolute truth is going to recognize the guard and will know
that these must be the people who are eagerly waiting for my arrival.
Therefore, we are going to use this betel nut to represent the imaginary
power which will be guarding us at the door steps and help the Absolute truth
to recognize this place. We are going to call this power as God Ganesh.
A:öeg:rs: A:öeb:rs: y::òv:n:asv:ðet: e*:)v:raenv:t:
hert:g::ð*::ðtp:À:ð|hm:Î ?gv:ðdant:g:üt: S:aK:l:S:aK:aDy:aI
AÃ:l:ay:n:s:Ü*:an:ØD:aI Â:im:nm:Dv:ac:ay:ü Ædy:km:l:m:Dy:ð en:v:as:i
An:nt:kly:aN: p:erp:ÜN:ü x:irabD:iS:aI Â:iev:\N:Ø)ðrN:y:a
A:öeg:rs: A:öeb:rs: y::òv:n:asv:ðet: e*:)v:raenv:t: hert:g::ð*::ðtp:ÀH AS::ðkH.
m:m: A:tm:n:H Â:Øet:sm:àet: p:ØraN::ðVt: Pl:)apty:T:üm:Î
Asm:akm:Î s:kÙXÙmb:an:am:Î s:p:erv:araN:am:Î
x:ðm: sT:òy:ü A:y:ØrÎ A:r:ðgy: OðÃ:y:ü )apty:T:üm:Î
y:T:a wan:ðn: y:T:a em:el:t::ðp:c:ar dÓvy:òH
Dy:an:av:ahn:aed \::ðRS::ðp:c:ar p:Üj:n:m:hm:Î ker\y:ð.
t:*:ad:ò en:ev:üGn:t:a es:¹Ðy:T:üm:Î m:hag:N:p:et: p:Üj:n:m:Î ker\y:ð.
t:T:a S:rirS:عÐy:T:üm:Î \:R¤ny:as:m:Î kl:S:S:£G:NXap:Üj:n:m:Î
v:,N:aeddðv:t:a sT:ap:n:aT:üm:Î kl:S:sT:ap:n:m:Î
v:,N:aeddðv:t:a p:Üj:n:m:Î c: ker\y:ð.
I have just said that, On this .................... day of ..................
19................, we have gathered here in this beautiful town
of .............................................. for a special occasion.
To receive the grace of God for health and prosperity.
To make this function free from obstacles we start our prayer to God
We express our awareness of the presence of the entire universe having
unlimited number of galaxies. We express our awareness of the presence of the
entire solar system and the planets of which we are a part of.
To make it easy to perceive, we use these Betel nuts to represent our
planetary system. To represent the entire universe of infinite space having
unlimited number of galaxies we use this pot. We use this coconut on the top
of the pot to represent the head of the creator of the universe.
g:N:an:am:Î tv:a S::òn:k:ð g:àts:m:d:ð
g:N:p:et:j:üg:t:i g:N:p:ty:av:ahn:ð ev:en:y::ðg:H.
! g:N:an:am:Î tv:a g:N:p:et:m:Î hv:am:hð
kev:m:Î kv:in:am:Î up:m:Â:v:st:m:m:Î.
jy:ðÅraj:m:Î b:ÒÉN:am:Î b:ÒÉN:sp:t:
A: n:H S:àNv:n:Î Uet:eB:H s:id s:adn:m:Î.
v:#t:ØNR m:hakay: k:ðeXs:Üy:üs:m:)B:.
en:ev:üGn:m:Î kÙ, m:ð dðv: s:v:ükay:ðü\:Ø s:v:üda.
Due to this awareness, due to this consciousness, due to this "I AM" NESS,
due to this !(OM), the entire manifestation can appear before our minds.
So why not accept that there is some unknown power that exists which can guard
us, can protect us, can remove all the obstacles that may come during the
performance of today's p:Üj:a(Pooja). Let us call this power as
God g:N:ðS:Ganesh. Let it be represented by one of the betel nuts. Let us
dress up this power, God g:N:ðS:Ganesh, with rice as ornaments, kumkum,
turmeric powder, sandalwood paste and request this power, God g:N:ðS:
Ganesh, to stay at this place and guard us until the supreme creator of the
universe arrives and gives His blessings. When the supreme creator sees that
this beautifully dressed God g:N:ðS:Ganesh is guarding this place, He
will recognize him and immediately will descend to our place to shower His
grace on us.
Let us take one betel nut from the tray and place it in the copper dish in
front of us. Please consider that this betel nut represents the guarding god
God g:N:ðS:Ganesh who will remove all the obstacles. Let us invite, beg
and plead this power, this God g:N:ðS:Ganesh, with the bottom of our
hearts, to come here.
Aesm:n:Î p:Üg:iPl:ð ?e¹b:Øe¹s:eht:m:Î
m:hag:N:p:et:ö s:a¤ö s:p:erv:arm:Î s:ay:ØD:m:Î
s:S:eVt:km:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:et:m:Î Dy:ay:aem:.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
Let us take a little bit of rice from the tray and place it as a seat for the Betel nut which
represents our God g:N:ðS: (Ganesh).
A:s:n:aT:ðü Ax:t:an:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Now each time I direct, please take a spoonful of water from the mug in front of you and give a bath to our God.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
p:a½m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
ADy:üm:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
A:c:m:n:iy:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
sn:an:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Now please take the hand towel from the tray and dry the God. Take a Betel leaf
from the tray and place Him on the leaf. Please also take the chain of cotton balls from
the tray and place around the God. We will consider it as the clothing of God Ganesh.
The same way place the bundle of thread from the tray and place around the God
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
v:s*::ðp:v:s*:aT:ðü kap:aüs:v:s*:ð s:m:p:üy:aem:.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
y:w:ðp:v:it:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Please now take the bowl of sandalwood paste and apply a little bit of sandalwood
to our God. Place some rice on our God as an ornament. Apply some turmeric powder
and the red powder (Kumkum) to the Lord.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
ev:l:ðp:n:aT:ðü c:ndn:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
Al:¢araT:ðü Ax:t:an:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
?e¹es:e¹By:am:Î n:m:H. herdÓam:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
kÙ¢Ûm:m:Î s::òB:agy:dÓvy:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Please use the sandalwood paste as perfume and offer it to our God. Dress up our God
with flowers and the bundle of the blades of green grass (dÙv:aü).
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
es:ndÝrm:Î p:erm:l: dÓvy:aeN: c: s:m:p:üy:aem:.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
kal::ð»v: p:Ø\p:aeN: dÙv:aü¢ÛranÁ: s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Please light the incense sticks and offer their smell to the God. Please light the candle
and show the face of our God by illuminating Him.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
D:Üp:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
dip:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
This reminds me of a Sanskrit verse of a poet which says:
n: t:*: s:Üy::ðü B:aet: n: c:ndÓt:arkm:Î.
n:ðm:a ev:½Øt::ð B:aent: kÙt::ð|y:m:egn:H..
t:m:ðv: B:ant:m:Î An:ØB:aet: s:v:üm:Î.
t:sy: B:as:a s:v:üem:dm:Î ev:B:aet:..
It means:
The sun does not illuminate Him. Neither does the moon nor the stars. Not
even the lightning illuminates Him. (When) He, the self effulgent illuminates
the entire universe, (what a fool I am, trying to illuminate Him with this
candle.!!! ).
But dear God, we are just naive, we want to make sure that you are well
dressed while guarding this place until the Supreme creator arrives. Please
show Him the path of this house when He arrives.
Now please sprinkle some water around the food, sweets and fruits and offer
the food to our God.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
n:òv:ð½aT:ðü g:ØRK:a½ n:òv:ð½m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
! )aN:ay: sv:aha. ! Ap:an:ay: sv:aha.
! vy:an:ay: sv:aha. ! udan:ay: sv:aha.
! s:m:an:ay: sv:aha. ! b:ÒÉN:ð sv:aha.
n:òv:ð½m:Dy:ð p:an:iy:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
To wash His hands and mouth, please serve some water using the spoon. As an
appetizer our God likes to eat betel leaves. Please offer the leaves to Him.
Finally, before requesting Him to stand at our door steps guarding us until
the Lord of the universe arrives, offer some money and flowers as gift to
our God.
The meaning of all of this is that, any guest at your door step, rich or
poor, should be respected and honored like this. All of us are the children
of the same God. Please treat them as God. God Ganesh is going to guard us at
our door until the supreme creator arrives. He will see God Ganesh,
recognize him and will definitely come here to bless us. Believe me.
u¶:rap::ðS:n:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:. hst:)x:al:n:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
m:ØK:)x:al:n:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:. m:ØK:v:as:aT:ðü
p:Üg:iPl: t:amb:Ül:m:Î s:Øv:N:ü en:\#y: dex:N:am:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
m:n*:p:Ø\p:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:. n:m:skr:ðem:.
kay:üm:Î m:ð es:e¹m:ay:at:Ø )s:Àð tv:ey: D:at:er.
ev:Gn:aen: n:aS:m:ay:ant:Ø s:v:aüeN: s:Ørn:ay:k.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. m:hag:N:p:t:y:ð n:m:H.
)aT:ün:am:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
An:ðn: kát: p:Üj:n:ðn: t:ðn: m:hag:N:p:et:H )iy:t:am:Î..
To understand the true form of the Absolute, we must sit in a proper pose.
Concentrate from the bottom of our heart, with stable mind, with our eyes
closed and with complete silence at one clap of our hand.
p:àTv:iet: m:n*:sy: m:ð,p:àÅ?e\:H kÝm::ðüdðv:t:a
s:Øt:l:m:Î CndH A:s:n:ð ev:en:y::ðg:H.
! p:àeTv: tv:y:a D:àt:a l::ðka dðev: tv:m:Î ev:\N:Øn:a D:àt:a.
tv:m:Î c: D:ary: m:am:Î dðev: p:ev:*:m:Î kÙ,c:as:n:m:Î..
Eet: A:s:n:m:Î ev:D:ay:.
! Ap:s:p:ünt:Ø t:ð B:Üt:a y:ð B:Üt:a B:Üem:s:öesT:t:aH.
y:ð B:Üt:a ev:Gn:kt:aüH t:ð g:cCnt:Ø eS:v:awy:a..
Ap:#am:nt:Ø B:Üt:aen: ep:S:ac:aH s:v:üt::ð edS:m:Î.
s:v:ðü\:am:ev:r:ðD:ðn: p:Üj:akm:ü s:m:arB:ð..
Eet: B:Üt::ðts:adn:m:Î kátv:a AT: S:R¤ny:as:H.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. Ædy:ay: n:m:H.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. eS:rs:ð sv:aha.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. eS:K:ay:ò v:\:XÏ.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. kv:c:ay: hÚm:Î.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. n:ð*:*:y:ay: v::ò\:XÏ.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. As*:ay: PXÏ .
Eet: edgb:nD:H..
Now let us pray to something which is really beyond our imagination. This
universe of unlimited space having infinite number of galaxies, our milky
way galaxy, our solar system and the planets within the solar system. Let it
be represented by this Pot. Let us use the coconut on the top of the pot as
the head of the creator of this unimaginable universe.
AT: kl:S: S:£ G:NXa p:Üj:n:m:Î.
kl:S:sy: m:ØK:ð ev:\N:ØH kNYð ,dÓH s:m:aeÂ:t:H.
m:Ül:ð t:*: esT:t::ð b:ÒÉa m:Dy:ð m:at:àg:N:aH sm:àt:aH.
kÙx::ò t:Ø s:ag:raH s:v:ðü s:pt:dip:a v:s:ØnD:ra.
?gv:ðd:ð|T: y:j:Øv:ðüdH s:am:v:ðd:ð ÊT:v:üN:H.
A¤óÁ: s:eht:aH s:v:ðü kl:S:m:Î t:Ø s:m:aeÂ:t:aH.
A*: g:ay:*:i s:aev:*:i S:aent: p:ØeÄkri t:T:a.
A:y:ant:Ø dðv:p:Üj:aT:üm:Î dÙert:x:y:karkaH.
g:¤ñ c: y:m:Øn:ð c:òv: g::ðdav:ri s:rsv:et:.
n:m:üdð es:nD:Ø kav:ðri j:l:ð|esm:n:Î s:eÀeD:m:Î kÙ,..
Please offer the sandalwood paste, rice as ornaments, the turmeric powder and
the red powder and some flowers to the creator.
kl:S:ay: n:m:H.
s:v::ðüp:c:araT:ðü g:nD:ax:t:p:Ø\p:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
D:ðn:Øm:ØdÓam:Î )dS:ü.
This conch shell on the top of it's stand also is another wonder created by
the creator. It is formed in the oceans of the world where all the rivers
meet. This definitely will fit in the hands of the creator like a blowing
horn. Let us assume so and decorate it with sandalwood paste, turmeric powder,
red powder and flowers and offer it to the creator. Dear God, Please blow
this conch shell and announce your arrival. We are eagerly waiting to see you
and to receive your grace.
! S:£ad:ò c:ndÓdòv:ty:m:Î kÙx::ò v:,N:dðv:t:a.
p:àÅð )j:ap:et:m:Î ev:½at:Î Ag:Òð g:¤a s:rsv:t:i.
tv:m:Î p:Øra s:ag:r:ðtp:À:ð ev:\N:Øn:a ev:D:àt:H krð.
n:em:t:H s:v:ü dðv:òÁ: p:aWc:j:ny:m:Î n:m::ð|st:Øt:ð.
! p:aWc:j:ny:ay: ev:¼hð p:av:m:an:ay: D:im:eh.
t:ÀH S:£H )c::ðdy:at:Î.
S:£ay: n:m:H. g:nD:p:Ø\p:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Let us fill this conch shell with water and keep it here until the creator
of this universe arrives.
The ringing of a bell is accepted throughout the world as a sign to welcome
guests and also to drive away the evil. The door bell at the entrance of a
house tells us that the guests are coming. It gives us an opportunity to
greet our guest. Let us decorate the bell with a little paste of sandalwood,
red powder, turmeric powder, rice and flowers. The decorated bell in such
manner will attract the attention of the Creator of our universe and He will
ring the bell and announce His arrival. Let us request the God to ring this
decorated bell, announce His arrival and come to visit us. Dear God,
please ring this bell and announce your arrival. We are very eagerly waiting
for Your arrival.
A:g:m:aT:üm:Î t:Ø dðv:an:am:Î g:m:n:aT:üm:Î t:Ø rx:s:am:Î.
kÙv:ðü G:NXarv:m:Î t:*: dðv:t:avhan:l:x:N:m:Î.
G:NXay:ò n:m:H. g:nD:ax:t:p:Ø\p:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
herdÓam:Î kÙ¢Ûm:m:Î s::òB:agy:dÓvy:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Similarly, lighting of the candles has been accepted throughout the world to
illuminate and to provide knowledge. The darkness is ignorance and the light
is knowledge. One of the great poets of the Sanskrit scripture has said:
n:an:aecCdÓ G:X:ðdresT:t: m:hadip:)B:aB:asv:rm:Î
wan:m:Î y:sy: t:Ø c:x:ØraedkrN:¾ara b:ehH sp:ndt:ð.
j:an:am:iet: t:m:ðv: B:ant:m:n:ØB:aty:ðt:ts:m:st:m:Î j:g:t:Î
t:sm:ò Â:ig:Ø,m:Üt:üy:ð n:m: Edm:Î Â:idex:N:am:Üt:üy:ð..
Knowledge is something like a candle burning inside an earthen pot having
infinite number of holes. Each hole has a shutter. When a shutter is open,
a ray of light emerging out of the pot illuminates the thing in its way and
provides us the knowledge of it. The shutter named ear provides us the sense
of sound. The shutter tongue provides us the sense of taste. The shutter eye
provides us the sense of sight. The shutter nose provides us the sense of
smell. The shutter skin provides us the sense of touch. The shutter mind if
open, provides us righteousness. The more the shutters are open, more will be
the knowledge. If the shutters are closed, it will be darkness of ignorance.
If all the shutters are open, there will be nothing but knowledge. When
the number of open shutters tend to infinity the pot disappears. There will
be nothing but knowledge.
Let us therefore, accept the importance of knowledge by offering sandalwood
paste, red powder, turmeric powder, rice and flowers to this burning candle
which represents the knowledge.
Dear God. I am really a fool trying to show you the path to our house with
the use of this candle. Please forgive us. We are just very anxious to see
you and to receive your blessings as soon as possible.
t:T:a dip:dðv:t:aBy::ð n:m:H. g:nD:ax:t:p:Ø\p:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
herdÓam:Î kÙ¢Ûm:m:Î s::òB:agy:dÓvy:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Oh! Candle! Will you please keep on burning and showing the path to our house!
At any time from now He will be coming. Very soon He will come and shower His
grace on us.
B::ð dip: b:ÒÉ-p:stv:m:Î jy::ðet:\:am:Î )B:Ørvy:y:H.
y:av:t:Î p:Üj:a s:m:aept:H sy:at:Î t:av:¶v:m:Î s:ØesT:r:ð B:v:.
Let us take a flower, dip in the water and sprinkle the water over ourselves
and all the people gathered here. The purpose of this is to purify ourselves.
The real way to purify ourselves is to bring the name of the Lord in our
minds. You may or may not be clean from outside, but if you keep in your
mind, the name of the Lord of the Universe, you will be pure and clean
from both outside and inside.
Ap:ev:*:H p:ev:*::ð v:a s:v:aüv:sT:am:Î g:t::ð|ep: v:a.
y:H sm:rðt:Î p:ØNRrikax:m:Î s: b:aÊaBy:nt:rH S:Øec:H.
S:ant:akarm:Î B:Øj:g:S:y:n:m:Î p:¼n:aB:m:Î s:ØrðS:m:Î.
ev:Ã:aD:arm:Î g:g:n:s:dáS:m:Î m:ðG:v:N:üm:Î S:ØB:a¤m:Î..
l:xm:ikant:m:Î km:l:n:y:n:m:Î y::ðeg:eB:Dy:aüen:g:my:m:Î.
v:ndð ev:\N:Øm:Î B:v:B:y:hrm:Î s:v:ül::ðkókn:aT:m:Î..
A:tm:an:m:Î ):ðx: p:Üj:a dÓvy:aeN: c: s:m):ðx:ðt:Î.
t:ØNRl::ðp:er A: kl:S:ð\:Ø D:av:et: p:ev:*:ð p:er e\:cy:t:ð.
uVT:òy:üwð\:Ø v:D:üt:ð.
Eet: kl:S:m:Î s:ösT:apy:. kl:S:ð j:l:m:Î en:ex:py:
t:*: g:nD:ax:t:p:Ø\p: dÙv:aü¢Ûran:Î A:m:Òp:ll:v:m:Î
p:Üg:iPl:m:Î ehrNy:m:Î c: en:ex:py:.
p:Üg:iPl:ð v:,N:m:Î s:a¤m:Î s:p:erv:arm:Î s:ay:ØD:m:Î
s:S:eVt:km:Î A:v:ahy:aem:. p:Üv:aüededx:Ø.
With all our strength, from the bottom of our heart, let us call the Lord
in all the eight directions.
Let these eight betel nuts represent the eight directions and let us offer the
red powder and the turmeric powder to each of the eight directions.
! EndÓay: n:m:H. EndÓm:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
! Agn:ðy: n:m:H. Aegn:m:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
! y:m:ay: n:m:H. y:m:m:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
! en:?üt:y:ð n:m:H. en:?üet:m:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
! v:,N:ay: n:m:H. v:,N:m:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
! v:ay:v:ð n:m:H. v:ay:Øm:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
! s::ðm:ay: n:m:H. s::ðm:m:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
! IS:an:ay: n:m:H. IS:an:ay: A:v:ahy:aem:.
We don't know from which direction the Lord will be coming. Therefore,
let us decorate all the eight betel nuts representing the eight directions.
The God may come from any one of the eight directions. Let us therefore
decorate all the eight directions.
Eet: edkÏp:al:an:Î A:v:aÊ t:*:òv: p:ÜN:üp:a*:ð p:Üg:iPl:ð
Ax:t:p:ØWj:ð v:a Ax:t:an:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Now let us imagine that the betel nuts in this dish represent the planets in our
solar system and acknowledge the awareness of these planets. Let us search
every where on each planet and try to see if our God is there. Let us bring
Him over here and ask Him to bless us in this p:Üj:a(pooja).
Let us offer the red powder, turmeric powder, rice and flowers to each of the
! s:Üy:aüy: n:m:H. s:Üy:üm:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
! s::ðm:ay: n:m:H. s::ðm:m:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
! B::òm:ay: n:m:H. B::òm:m:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
! b:ØD:ay: n:m:H. b:ØD:m:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
! b:àhsp:t:y:ð n:m:H. b:àhsp:et:m:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
! S:Ø#ay: n:m:H. S:Ø#m:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
! S:n:òÁ:ray: n:m:H. S:n:òÁ:ray: A:v:ahy:aem:.
! rahv:ð n:m:H. rahÚm:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
! kñt:v:ð n:m:H. kñt:Øm:Î A:v:ahy:aem:.
Eet: n:v:g:Òhan:Î A:v:aÊ.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. v:,N:a½av:aeht: dðv:t:aBy::ð n:m:H.
Let us offer sandalwood paste, red powder, turmeric powder, flowers,
sandalwood sticks and food to the solar system and let us take a candle and
look around each and every planet to see if we can find our God.
s:v::ðüp:c:araT:ðü g:nD:ax:t:p:Ø\p:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
herdÓam:Î kÙ¢Ûm:m:Î s::òB:agy:dÓvy:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
D:Üp:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:. dip:m:Î dS:üy:aem:. n:òv:ð½m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
! )aN:ay: sv:aha. ! Ap:an:ay: sv:aha.
! vy:an:ay: sv:aha. ! udan:ay: sv:aha.
! s:m:an:ay: sv:aha. ! b:ÒÉN:ð sv:aha.
n:òv:ð½m:Dy:ð p:an:iy:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
u¶:rap::ðS:n:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:. hst:)x:al:n:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
m:ØK:)x:al:n:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:. m:ØK:v:as:aT:ðü
p:Üg:iPl: t:amb:Ül:m:Î s:Øv:N:ü en:\#y: dex:N:am:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
An:ðn: kát: p:Üj:n:ðn: t:ðn:
v:,N:a½av:aeht:dðv:t:aH )iy:nt:am:Î.
Oh! He is here! I can see! I can see!! I can see!!!. The God is here. The
God is right here among us. The God is within us. I am aware! I am conscious.
I am.!!! OM. I can see the God in the several eyes, hands, feet and faces that
have gathered here today. I can see the God in their pure innocent, sincere
and honest MINDS.
I can see the God in the eyes, hands, feet, faces and minds of all the living
entities of the universe. In the manifestation of the entire universe. This God is
not only within us but is outside us. This God is very near to us as well as at a
very far distance very difficult to comprehend. This God has a speed of mind
but He can also be still, stable and motionless. Even with His motion-less-ness
it is very difficult to catch Him. This God has the most beautiful, handsome
form. This God at the same time can be formless. Sri Isopanishad
(Â:i IS::ðp:en:\:dÏ) has described the form of this God as follows:
An:ðj:dðkm:Î m:n:s::ð j:v:iy::ð n:òn:t:Î dðv:aH A:pn:Øv:n:Î p:Üv:üm:\:üt:Î.
t:¹av:t::ð|ny:an:ty:ðet: et:Ŷ:esm:n:Î
n: Ap::ð m:at:erÃ:a ddaet:..
t:dðj:et: t:Àðj:et: t:dÏ dÝrð t:¾ent:kñ.
t:dnt:rsy: s:v:üsy: t:dÙ s:v:üsy:asy: b:aÊt:H..
kl:S:sy: m:ØK:ð ev:\N:ØH kNYð ,dÓH s:m:aeÂ:t:H.
m:Ül:ð t:*: esT:t::ð b:ÒÉa m:Dy:ð m:at:àg:N:aH sm:àt:aH.
kÙx::ò t:Ø s:ag:raH s:v:ðü s:pt:dip:a v:s:ØnD:ra.
?gv:ðd:ð|T: y:j:Øv:ðüdH s:am:v:ðd:ð ÊT:v:üN:H.
A¤óÁ: s:eht:aH s:v:ðü kl:S:m:Î t:Ø s:m:aeÂ:t:aH.
A*: g:ay:*:i s:aev:*:i S:aent: p:ØeÄkri t:T:a.
A:y:ant:Ø dðv:p:Üj:aT:üm:Î dÙert:x:y:karkaH.
g:¤ñ c: y:m:Øn:ð c:òv: g::ðdav:ri s:rsv:et:.
n:m:üdð es:nD:Ø kav:ðri j:l:ð|esm:n:Î s:eÀeD:m:Î kÙ,..
Let us close our eyes and try to picture the form of the Lord of the universe. Let us
meditate. Think of a most handsom, most beautiful form that you can think of. This form
has complete righteousness. This form is the warehouse of the entire knowledge.
This form has surpassed all the three modes of material nature. (s:tv: rj:s:Î t:m:s:Î).
This form has to be extra ordinary.
AT: Dy:an:m:Î.
Dy:ay:ðt:Î s:ty:m:Î g:ØN:at:it:m:Î g:ØN:*:y: s:m:env:t:m:Î.
l::ðkn:aT:m:Î e*:l::ðkñS:m:Î k:òst:ØB:aB:rN:m:Î herm:Î..
n:il:v:N:üm:Î p:it:v:as:m:Î Â:iv:ts:p:dB:Üe\:t:m:Î.
g::ðev:ndm:Î g::ðkÙl:an:ndm:Î b:ÒÉa½òrep: p:Üej:t:m:Î..
Eet: s:ty:n:aray:N:m:Î Dy:ay:aem:.
This form has to be of thousands of heads, thousands of eyes, thousands of feet.
In reality, His size occupies not only the entire universe but extends up to ten times
beyond the universe. Let us try to wake our imagination and beg for the arrival of
this image in our mind.
To make it simple, let use this idol of Sri Krishna to represent this almighty Lord
of the universe. Let us shower the path of the Lord with some rice and request
Him, beg Him, plead Him, to show up in our minds.
herH ! s:h+ S:i\:aü p:Ø,\:H s:h+ax:H s:h+p:at:Î.
s: B:Üm:im:Î ev:Ã:t::ð v:àtv:a|et: Aet:Åt:Î dS:a¤Ûl:m:Î..
A:g:cC dðv: dðv:ðS: t:ðj::ðraS:ð j:g:tp:t:ð.
e#y:m:aN:am:Î m:y:a p:Üj:am:Î g:àhaN: s:Ørs:¶:m:..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
A:v:ahn:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
This manifestation of the universe of today and that of tomorrow (of future) is
nothing but the incarnation of the Absolute supreme God. On His own, He has
manifested the food which is required for the sustenance of all the living beings.
Let us make a seat of rice for the Lord of the universe to sit. Imagine as if the
grains of the rice are nothing but variety of diamonds. Let us offer this seat to
our Lord.
! p:Ø,\: Ov:ðdm:Î s:v:üm:Î y:dÏB:Üt:m:Î y:cc: B:vy:m:Î.
ut:am:àt:t:Î v:sy:ðS:an::ð y:dÀðn: Aet:r:ðhet:..
n:an:artn:s:m:ay:ØVt:m:Î kat:üsv:rev:B:Üe\:t:m:Î.
A:s:n:m:Î dðv:dðv:ðS: )ity:T:üm:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î.
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
A:s:n:aT:ðü Ax:t:am:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
It is very difficult to even imagine His glory. All the living entities in the universe
are just the feet (one fourth) of our Lord. The remaining three fourth is the eternal
body occupying all the other galaxies of the space.
Let us pour some water on the feet of the Lord and wash his feet.
! Ot:av:an:sy: m:ehm:a|t::ð jy:ay:aöÁ: p:Ü,\:H.
p:ad:ð|sy: ev:Ã:a B:Üt:aen: e*:p:adsy:am:àt:m:Î edev:.
p:a½m:Î g:àhaN: dðv:ðS: s:v:üx:ðm:s:m:T:ü B::ðH.
B:Vty:a s:m:ep:üt:m:Î dðv: l::ðkn:aT: n:m::ð|st:Ø t:ð..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
p:a½m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
The Lord of the Universe dwelling eternally as the universal consciousness manifests
as all the living and non living entities, then disappears in un-manifested form,
stays dormant for some unknown time and appears again in manifestation, digesting
different kinds of food.
Let us offer some water to our creator to gargle and wash his mouth before
offering Him the food.
! e*:p:adÝDv:ü udòt:Î p:Ø,\:H p:ad:ð|sy:ðhaB:v:t:Î p:Øn:H.
t:t::ð ev:\v:m:Î vy:#am:t:Î s:aS:n:an:S:n:ð AeB:..
n:m:st:ð dðv:dðv:ðS: n:m:st:ð D:rN:iD:r.
n:m:st:ð j:g:daD:ar ADy:üm:Î n:H )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
ADy:üm:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Originally in the unmanifest form, the Lord of the Universe has appeared in all
different forms having variety of different bodies.
Let us offer to our God some water to drink.
! t:sm:at:Î ev:raLj:ay:t: ev:raj::ð AeD: p:Ü,\:H.
s: j:at::ð Aty:ercy:t: p:Á:at:Î B:Üem:m:T::ð p:ØrH..
kp:Üürv:aes:t:m:Î t::ðy:m:Î m:ndaekny:aH s:m:aÆt:m:Î.
A:c:my:t:am:Î j:g:ÀaT: m:y:a d¶:m:Î eh B:eVt:t:H..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
A:c:m:n:iy:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
With this manifestation we see all different seasons of the year. Imagine that we are
giving a bath to our Lord with all the holy river waters of the world.
Let us give a bath to our Lord using these waters.
! y:tp:Ø,\:ðN: hev:\:a dðv:a y:wm:t:nv:t:.
v:s:nt::ð Asy:as:idajy:m:Î g:Òi\m: EDm:H S:r¹ev:H.
g:¤a s:rsv:t:i rðv:a p:y::ð\N:i n:m:üda j:l:òH.
sn:aep:t::ð|es: m:y:a dðv: t:T:a S:aent:m:Î kÙ,\v: m:ð..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
sn:an:iy:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us now give our God a bath with five nectars. Milk, yogurt, butter, honey and
AT: p:Wc:am:àt:sn:an:m:Î.
The milk comes from sacred cow. All the Gods, fathers, forefathers enjoy drinking
the milk. Let us bathe our Lord with this milk.
! A: py:ay:sv: s:m:ðt:Ø t:ð ev:Ã:t:H s::ðm: v:à\Ny:m:Î.
B:v:a v:aj:sy: s:¤T:ð.
kam:D:ðn::ðH s:m:Ø»Üt:m:Î dðv:e\:ü ep:t:àt:àept:dm:Î.
p:y::ð ddaem: dðv:ðS: sn:an:aT:üm:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
p:y:Hsn:an:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
S:ع:ðdksn:an:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
The yogurt which is white like the moon light is also very favorable drink of all Gods.
Let us give a bath with this yogurt to our Lord.
! deD:#avN::ð Akaer\:m:Î ej:\N::ðrÃ:sy: v:aej:n:H.
s:ØreB: n::ð m:ØK:a krt) N: A:y:Üöe\: t:aer\:t:Î.
c:ndÓm:NRl:s:ökaS:m:Î s:v:üdðv:e)y:m:Î deD:.
sn:an:aT:üm:Î t:ð m:y:a d¶:m:Î )ity:T:üm:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
deD:sn:an:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
S:ع:ðdksn:an:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Butter is also a favorite food of all the Gods. It is offered to the fire as a fuel for
lighting the fire with blaze and radiance. It is like the soul of the fire.
Let us bathe the Lord with butter as a soothing moisturizer.
! G:àt:m:Î em:em:x:ð G:àt:m:sy: y::ðen:HG:àt:ð eÂ:t::ð G:àt:mv:sy: D:am:.
An:Ø\v:D:m:a v:h m:ady:sv: sv:ahakát:m:Î v:à\:B: v:ex: hvy:m:Î..
A:jy:m:Î s:ØraN:am:ahar A:jy:m:Î y:wð )et:eÅt:m:Î.
A:jy:m:Î p:ev:*:m:Î p:rm:m:Î sn:an:aT:üm:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
G:àt:sn:an:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
S:ع:ðdksn:an:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let all the galaxies of the universe, our fatherly Milky way galaxy, the sun, rivers,
plants, vegetation and the seasonal winds of our planet sweep sweetness,
day and night in our life.
The natural honey formed from variety of plants is very nutritious and is the
sweetest among all.
Let us give a bath to our Lord with this sweet honey.
! m:D:Ø v:at:a ?t:ay:t:ð m:D:Ø x:rent: es:nD:v:H.
m:aDv:in:üH s:nt:Ø A:ò\:D:iH..
m:D:Ø n:Vt:m:Øt::ð\:s::ð m:D:Øm:t:Î p:aeT:üv:m:Î rj:H.
m:D:Ø ½:òH Ast:Ø n:H ep:t:a..
m:D:Øm:aÀ:ð v:n:sp:et:H m:D:Øm:am:Î Ast:Ø s:Üy:üH.
m:aDv:ig:aüv::ð B:v:nt:Ø n:H..
s:v::ðü\:eD:s:m:Øtp:Àm:Î p:iy:Ü\:s:dáS:m:Î m:D:Ø.
sn:an:aT:üm:Î t:ð )y:cCaem: g:àhaN: p:rm:ðÃ:r..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
m:D:Øsn:an:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
S:ع:ðdksn:an:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
The sugar is formed miraculously from sugar cane.
Let us bathe our Lord with the sugary water.
! sv:adÙH p:v:sv: edvy:ay: j:nm:n:ð sv:adÙerndÓay: s:Øhv:it:Øn:amn:ð.
sv:adÙem:ü*:ay: v:,N:ay: v:ay:v:ð b:àhsp:t:y:ð m:D:Øm:am:Î AdaBy:H.
Ex:ØdNRs:m:Ø»Üt:m:Î edvy:S:kýry:a herm:Î.
sn:ap:y:aem: s:da B:Vty:a )it::ð B:v: s:ØrðÃ:r..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
S:kýrasn:an:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
S:ع:ðdksn:an:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us now mix some sandalwood paste, turmeric powder and red powder in
a little bit of water and give our Creator a bath with perfumed water.
! g:nD:¾aram:Î dÙraD:\:aüm:Î en:ty:p:ØÄam:Î krie\:N:im:Î.
IÃ:rim:Î s:v:üB:Üt:an:am:Î t:aem:h:ðp: vhy:ð eÂ:y:m:Î.
kp:Üüròl:as:m:ay:ØVt:m:Î s:Øg:enD:dÓvy:s:öy:Øt:m:Î.
g:nD::ðdkm:Î m:y:a d¶:m:Î sn:an:aT:üm:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î.
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
g:nD::ðdksn:an:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
S:ع:ðdksn:an:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us offer scented sandalwood paste, rice as ornaments, flowers, Tulsi leaves
(t:ØLS:ic:i p:an:ð), turmeric powder, red powder, burn some incense sticks
and offer the smell of them to our Supreme God.
Let us use the lamp and show around His face to see how handsome He looks.
Hope, He is pleased with us. Let us offer the remaining five nectars as
appetizer to our God.
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: n:m:H.
s:v::ðüp:c:araT:ðü g:nD:ax:t:p:Ø\p:m:Î t:Øl:s:ip:*:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
herdÓam:Î kÙ¢Ûm:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
D:Üp:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:. dip:m:Î dS:üy:aem:..
n:òv:ð½aT:ðü p:Wc:am:àt:S:ð\: n:òv:ð½m:Î c: s:m:p:üy:aem:..
! )aN:ay: sv:aha. ! Ap:an:ay: sv:aha.
! vy:an:ay: sv:aha. ! udan:ay: sv:aha.
! s:m:an:ay: sv:aha. ! b:ÒÉN:ð sv:aha.
n:òv:ð½m:Dy:ð p:an:iy:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
To wash His hands and mouth, please serve some water using the spoon.
As a mouth freshner our God likes to eat betel leaves. Please offer the leaves to Him.
Finally let us offer some money and flowers as gift to our God.
u¶:rap::ðS:n:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:. hst:)x:al:n:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
m:ØK:)x:al:n:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:. m:ØK:v:as:aT:ðü p:Üg:iPl:t:amb:Ül:m:Î
s:Øv:N:ü en:\#y: dex:N:am:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: n:m:H.
m:n*:p:Ø\p:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:. n:m:skr:ðem:.
An:ðn: kát: p:Üv:ü p:Üj:n:ðn: t:ðn: Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay:
s:a¤H s:p:erv:arH )iy:t:am:Î..
With this initial welcome to our Supreme God, let us remove all the wet clothing
and ornaments of our God. Let us keep these to the North side and start to offer
Him the grand bath.
The grand bath consists of the imagination of giving bath to all the manifestation
of the universe since we are considering the entire manifestation is our Supreme
u¶:rð en:m:aüly:m:Î ev:s:àjy: AeB:\:ðkm:Î kÙy:aüt:Î.
! dðv:sy: tv:a s:ev:t:ØH )s:v:ð
AeÃ:n::ð b:ahÚBy:am:Î p:Ü\N::ð hst:aBy:am:Î
Agn:ðH t:ðj:s:a s:Üy:üsy: v:c:üs:a
EndÓsy: EendÓy:ðN:Î AeB:e\:Wc:aem:.
s:Ørastv:am:Î AeB:e\:Wc:nt:Ø b:ÒÉ ev:\N:Ø m:hðÃ:raH.
v:as:Ødðv::ð j:g:ÀaT:H t:T:a s:¢\:üN::ð ev:B:ØH..
)½Ømn:Á: Aen:,¹Á: B:v:nt:Ø ev:j:y:ay: t:ð.
A:K:NRl::ð|egn:H B:g:v:an:Î y:m::ð v:ò en:?üet:st:T:a..
v:,N:H p:v:n:Á:òv: D:n:aDy:x:H t:T:a eS:v:H.
b:ÒÉN:a s:eht:aH s:v:ðü edVp:al:aH p:ant:Ø t:ð s:da..
kiet:ül:xm:iH D:àet:m:ðüD:a p:ØeÅH Â:¹a e#y:a m:et:H.
b:Øe¹l:üjj:a v:p:ØH S:aent:H kaent:st:ØeÄÁ: m:at:rH..
Ot:astv:am:Î AeB:e\:Wc:nt:Ø dðv:p:tny:H s:m:ag:t:aH.
A:edty:Á:ndÓm:a B::òm::ð b:ØD:j:iv:es:t:akýj:aH..
g:Òhastv:am:Î AeB:e\:Wc:nt:Ø rahÚH kñt:ØÁ: t:ep:üt:aH.
dðv:dan:v:g:nD:v:aü y:x:rax:s:p:Àg:aH..
?\:y::ð m:n:v::ð g:av::ð dðv:m:at:r Ov: c:.
dðv:p:tny::ð dÓÚm:a n:ag:a dòty:aÁ:aps:rs:am:Î g:N:H..
As*:aeN: s:v:üv:s*:aeN: raj:an::ð v:ahn:aen: c:.
A:ò\:D:aen: c: rtn:aen: kal:sy: Av:y:v:aÁ: y:ð..
s:ert:H s:ag:raH S:òl:aH t:iT:aüen: j:l:da n:daH.
Ot:ðstv:am:Î AeB:e\:Wc:nt:Ø s:v:ükam:aT:ü es:¹y:ð..
b:l:ay: eÂ:y:ò y:S:s:ð AÀa½ay:..
! B:ÜB:Øüv:H sv:H. Am:àt:aeB:\:ðk:ð|st:Ø.
S:aent:H p:ØeÄH t:ØeÄH c: Ast:Ø..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: n:m:H.
AeB:\:ðk sn:an:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
S:ع:ðdksn:an:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us imagine that by emptying the water from this conch shell over the idol of the
supreme God we are giving a grand bath to Him with all the waters of the oceans.
An:nt:rm:Î S:£:ðdk sn:an:m:Î kátv:a ABy:¤ sn:an:m:Î kÙy:aüt:Î.
kaSm:irag:,kst:Üer kp:Üürm:l:y:aenv:t:m:Î.
u¾t:ün:m:Î m:y:a d¶:m:Î sn:an:aT:üm:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î.
m:a¤el:km:Î sn:an:m:Î U\N::ðdksn:an:m:Î kÙy:aüt:Î.
Let us now give Him a perfumed warm water bath, wipe Him with a towel and
install Him in His throne.
t:t:H Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:m:Î p:ÜN:üp:a*:ð )et:Åapy:.
! t:m:Î y:wm:Î b:ehe\:ü ):òx:n:Î p:Ø,\:m:Î j:at:m:g:Òt:H.
t:ðn: dðv:a Ay:j:nt: s:aDy:a ?\:y:Á: y:ð.
Let us not embarrass Him with our social code of ethics.
Let us dress Him up with some decent clothes to wear.
s:v:üB:Ü\:aeD:kñ s::òmy:ð l::ðkl:jj:aen:v:arN:ð.
m:y::ðp:p:aedt:ð t:ØBy:m:Î v:as:s:i )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
v:s*:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us also offer our Lord, this bundle of thread (j:an:v:ð).
! t:sm:at:Î y:wat:Î s:v:ühÚt:H s:öB:àt:m:Î p:à\:dajy:m:Î.
p:S:Ünt:aÁ:kñ v:ay:vy:an:Î A:rNy:an:Î g:Òamy:aÁ: y:ð.
dðv: dðv: n:m:st:ð|st:Ø *:aeh m:am:Î B:v:s:ag:rat:Î.
b:ÒÉs:Ü*:m:Î s::ð¶:riy:m:Î g:àhaN: p:Ø,\::ð¶:m:..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
v:s*::ðp:v:s*:aT:ðü y:w:ðp:v:it:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us offer Our God some sandalwood paste as perfume to wear.
! t:sm:at:Î y:wat:Î s:v:ühÚt: ?c:H s:am:aen: j:ewrð.
Cndaöes: j:ewrð t:sm:at:Î y:j:Øt:sm:at:Î Aj:ay:t:.
Â:iK:NRm:Î c:ndn:m:Î edvy:m:Î g:nD:aµm:Î s:Øm:n::ðhrm:Î.
ev:l:ðp:n:m:Î s:ØrÂ:ðÅ c:ndn:m:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
c:ndn:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us dress up our God with rice as ornaments.
Ax:t:ast:ØNRÙl:aH S:ØB:ÒaH kÙ¢Ûm:ðn: ev:raej:t:aH.
m:y:a en:v:ðedt:a B:Vty:a g:àhaN: p:rm:ðÃ:r..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
Ax:t:an:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
The creator of this manifestation is also like a Goddess to us. Therefore,
let us apply some turmeric powder on Her forehead.
herdÓa sv:N:üv:N:aüB:a s:v:ü s::òB:agy:daey:n:i.
s:v:aül:¢ar m:ØKy:a eh dðev: tv:m:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
herdÓam:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us apply some red powder (kÙ¢Ûm:Î) on Her forehead.
herdÓac:ÜN:üs:öy:ØVt:m:Î kÙ¢Ûm:m:Î kam:day:km:Î.
v:s*:al:¢rN:m:Î s:v:üm:Î dðev: tv:m:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
kÙ¢Ûm:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us also offer some eye shadow (kaj:L) for her.
kjj:l:m:Î kam:dm:Î rmy:m:Î kaem:n:i kam:s:mB:v:m:Î.
n:ð*:y::ðB:Üü\:N:aT:aüy: kjj:l:m:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:i dðvy:ò n:m:H. kjj:l:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Let us apply some red oxide powder (es:ndÝr) as a blush (rough) for Her.
uedt:a,N:s:ökaS:m:Î j:p:akÙs:Øm:s:eÀB:m:Î.
s:im:nt:B:Ü\:N:aT:aüy: es:ndÝrm:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:i dðvy:ò n:m:H. es:ndÝrm:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Let us offer a black beaded neckless (m:ög:Ls:Ü*:) as an ornament to Her.
m:aög:ly:t:nt:Øm:eN:eB:H m:ØVt:aPl:ev:raej:t:m:Î.
kNYsy: B:Ü\:N:aT:aüy: kNYs:Ü*:m:Î )g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:i dðvy:ò n:m:H. kNYs:Ü*:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Let us offer some colored bangles as wrist ornaments for Her.
kac:sy: en:em:üt:m:Î edvy:m:Î k¢N:m:Î c: s:ØrðÃ:er.
hst:al:¢rN:aT:aüy: k¢N:m:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:i dðvy:ò n:m:H. k¢N:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Let us offer all the variety of ornaments that we have to the Almighty God.
jy::ðtsn:ap:t:ð n:m:st:ØBy:m:Î n:m:st:ð ev:Ã:-ep:N:ð.
n:an:ap:erm:l:dÓvy:aeN: g:àhaN: p:rm:ðÃ:r..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
n:an:ap:erm:l:dÓvy:aeN: s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us offer variety of flowers to the Almighty God.
! t:sm:adÃ:a Aj:ay:nt: y:ð kñ c::ðB:day:t:H.
g:av::ð h j:ewrð t:sm:at:Î t:sm:at:Î j:at:a Aj:av:y:H..
m:aly:adien: s:Øg:nD:ien: m:aly:t:adien: v:ò )B::ð.
m:y:aÆt:aen: p:Üj:aT:üm:Î p:Ø\p:aeN: )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
s:ðv:ent:ka b:kÙl: c:mp:k p:aXl:abj:òH.
p:ØÀag:j:aet: krv:ir rs:al:p:Ø\p:òH.
eb:lv:)v:al: t:Øl:s:idl: m:al:t:ieB:H.
tv:am:Î p:Üj:y:aem: j:g:diÃ:r m:ð )s:id..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
ev:ev:D: p:Ø\p:aeN: s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us offer one thousand leaves of Tulasi
(t:Øl:s:i), if not available, at least one hundred eight leaves of Tulasi
(t:Øl:s:i), to the Almighty God.
s:h+ n:am: m:ö*:òH s:h+ t:Øl:s:ip:*: s:m:p:üN:m:Î kay:üm:Î.
Al:aB:ð AÄ:ð¶:rS:t: t:Øl:s:idl: s:m:p:üN:m:Î kay:üm:Î..
It is our desire to know how our Almighty God looks like. How is His face?
How are His arms, How is His chest and how are His feet?
Before we find out let us burn some incense sticks and offer the smell of them
to the God.
! y:tp:Ø,\:m:Î vy:dD:ØH ket:D:a vy:klp:y:n:Î.
m:ØK:m:Î ekm:sy: k:ò b:ahÞ ka U- p:ada ucy:ðt:ð..
v:n:sp:et: rs::ð»Üt::ð g:nD:aµ:ð g:nD: u¶:m:H.
A:G:Òðy:H s:v:ü dðv:an:am:Î D:Üp::ð|y:m:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
D:Üp:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us look at our Almighty Gods face with this lamp and see His true form.
His true nature.
The light from the lamp tells us that His face is nothing but the knowledge.
His arms are the army, navy, air force all the people protecting us.
His chest is made up of all the white collared workers of the world.
His feet are the blue collared workers of the world.
! b:ÒaÉN::ð|sy: m:ØK:m:as:it:Î. b:ahÞ raj:ny:H kát:H.
U- t:dsy: y:¾òSy:H. p:dBy:am:Î S:ÜdÓ:ð Aj:ay:t:..
A:jy:m:Î s:Øv:et:ü s:öy:ØVt:m:Î v:eÈn:a y::ðej:t:m:Î m:y:a.
dip:m:Î g:àhaN: dðv:ðS: *y:òl::ðVy:et:em:rap:h..
B:Vty:a dip:m:Î )y:cCaem: dðv:ay: p:rm:atm:n:ð.
*:aeh m:am:Î en:ry:at:Î G::ðrat:Î dip::ð|y:m:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
dip:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
His mind is soft like the moon. His eyes are radiant, dazzling like the sun.
His mouth is the fire digesting all the food. The air is His consciousness.
Let us therefore, offer our beloved God the main course lunch/dinner.
! c:ndÓm:a m:n:s::ð j:at:H c:x::ðH s:Üy::ðü Aj:ay:t:.
m:ØK:aedndÓÁ: Aegn:Á: )aN:at:Î v:ay:ØH Aj:ay:t:..
n:òv:ð½m:Î g:àÊt:am:Î dðv: B:eVt:m:Î m:ð Êc:l:am:Î kÙ,.
Ieps:t:m:Î m:ð v:rm:Î dðeh p:r*:m:Î c: p:ra g:et:m:Î..
S:kýraK:NRK:a½aen: deD:x:irG:àt:aen: c:.
A:harm:Î B:x: B::ðjy:m:Î c: n:òv:ð½m:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
s:öy:av:k n:òv:ð½m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
! )aN:ay: sv:aha. ! Ap:an:ay: sv:aha..
! vy:an:ay: sv:aha. ! udan:ay: sv:aha..
! s:m:an:ay: sv:aha. ! b:ÒÉN:ð sv:aha..
n:òv:ð½m:Dy:ð p:an:iy:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Let us wash His hands, offer some water to gargle His mouth and apply
some perfume on His hands.
u¶:rap::ðS:n:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:. hst:)x:al:n:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
m:ØK:)x:al:n:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:. kr:ð¾t:ün:aT:ðü c:ndn:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Our Almighty God likes betel leaves to eat as mouth freshner.
Let us offer some betel leaves to our God.
p:Üg:iPl:m:Î m:haedvy:m:Î n:ag:v:ll:idl:òy:üt:m:Î.
kp:Üüròl:a s:m:ay:ØVt:m:Î t:amb:Ül:m:Î )et:g:àÊt:am:Î..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
t:amb:Ül:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us offer variety of fruits and coconut to our God as dessert and request Him
to bless us.
Pl:ðn: Pel:t:m:Î s:v:üm:Î *:òl::ðVy:m:Î s:c:rac:rm:Î.
t:sm:at:Î Pl:)dan:ðn: s:Pl:a sy:Øm:ün::ðrT:aH..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
ev:ev:D: Pl:aen: n:aerkñl: Pl:m:Î c: s:m:p:üy:aem:..
We have recognized the true form of our God. Sharing our wealth among all the
needs of our society is in the real sense the worship of our God.
Let us offer portion of our wealth to the society (God).
ehrNy:g:B:üg:B:üsy: hðm:b:ij:m:Î ev:B:av:s::ðH.
An:nt:p:ØNy:Pl:dm:Î At:H S:aent:m:Î )y:cC m:ð..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
m:hadex:N:am:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
The welcome of our almighty God with grand style can not be complete
unless we see with this lamp representing the knowledge, the true form of our God.
kp:Üürg::òrm:Î k,N:av:t:arm:Î s:ös:ars:arm:Î B:Øj:g:ðndÓharm:Î..
s:da v:s:nt:m:Î Ædy:arev:ndð B:v:m:Î B:v:an:is:eht:m:Î n:m:aem:..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
kp:Øüraet:üVy:dip:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us turn around ourselves three times and see the surrounding.
The almighty God is right here. He is within us. He is outside us.
He is with form. He is without form.
He has the speed of mind. He is motionless.
It seems impossible to comprehend Him, but it is possible to achieve Him.
I see the universal consciousness in my almighty God.
It appears as if the sky has been formed from His navel,
the infinite space has been formed from His head,
the earth and all the directions have been formed from His feet.
! n:aBy:a A:s:idnt:erx:m:Î S:i\N::ðü ½:òH s:m:v:t:üt:.
p:dBy:am:Î B:Üem:edüS:H Â::ð*:at:Î t:T:a l::ðkan:Î Aklp:y:n:Î..
y:aen: kaen: c: p:ap:aen: j:nm:ant:rkát:aen: c:.
t:aen: t:aen: ev:n:Sy:ent: )dex:N:p:dðp:dð..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
)dex:N:am:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us now surrender unto this universal consciousness, the Absolute truth,
the s:ty:n:aray:N:.
! s:pt:asy:as:n:Î p:erD:y:es*:H s:pt: s:em:D:H kát:H.
dðv:a y:½wm:Î t:nv:an:a Ab:¿:n:Î p:Ø,\:m:Î p:S:Øm:Î.
n:m:H s:v:üeht:aT:aüy: j:g:daD:arhðt:v:ð.
s:aÄa¤:ð|y:m:Î )N:am:st:ð )y:tn:ðn: m:y:a kát:H..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
n:m:skarm:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Let us express our joy of understanding the absolute truth, the universal
consciousness, the 'I AM' NESS, the s:ty: n:aray:N:, !,
by showering flowers, rice and the following Sanskrit verses on the idol
which we are using here for our understanding.
! y:wðn: y:wm:y:j:nt: dðv:ast:aen: D:m:aüeN: )T:m:any:as:n:Î.
t:ð h n:ak m:ehm:an:H s:c:nt: y:*: p:Üv:ðü s:aDy:aH s:ent: dðv:aH..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
m:ö*:p:Ø\p:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
Dear God, I do not know how to plead, how to beg and how to ask you
to come here. I do not know how to worship you.
I do not know how to perform this routine. Please forgive me.
AT: )aT:ün:a.
A:v:ahn:m:Î n: j:an:aem:. n: j:an:aem: t:v:ac:ün:m:Î.
p:Üj:am:Î c:òv: n: j:an:aem:. x:m:sv: p:rm:ðÃ:r.. 1..
Dear God, I am really ignorant. I do not know how to act.
I do not know how to meditate. Please accept the manner in which
I have pleaded you, begged you to come here. Please make this routine perfect.
m:ö*:hin:m:Î e#y:ahin:m:Î B:eVt:hin:m:Î s:ØrðÃ:r.
y:tp:Üej:t:m:Î m:y:a dðv: p:erp:ÜN:ü t:dst:Ø m:ð.. 2..
s:ty:n:aray:N:m:Î dðv:m:Î v:ndð|hm:Î kam:dm:Î )B:Øm:Î.
l:il:y:a ev:t:t:m:Î ev:Ã:m:Î y:ðn: t:sm:ò n:m::ð n:m:H.. 3..
-p:m:Î dðeh j:y:m:Î dðeh y:S::ð dðeh e¾\::ð j:eh.
p:Ø*:an:Î dðeh D:n:m:Î dðeh s:v:aün:Î kam:aöÁ: dðeh m:ð.. 4..
y:sy: sm:àty:a c: n:am::ðVty:a t:p:Hp:Üj:ae#y:aed\:Ø.
ny:Ün:m:Î s:mp:ÜN:üt:am:Î y:aet: s:½:ð v:ndð t:m:cy:Øt:m:Î.. 5..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:ay: s:a¤ay: s:p:erv:aray: n:m:H.
)aT:ün:am:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:..
An:ðn: kát: \::ðRS::ðp:c:ar p:Üj:n:ðn: t:ðn:
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N:H s:a¤H s:p:erv:arH )iy:t:am:Î..
! t:ts:t:Î..
.. Â:i g:N:ðS:ay: n:m:H ..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N: kT:a )armB:
p:ehl:a ADy:ay:
The Identity of the Absolute
Chapter one
Let me now narrate the summary and meaning behind the true identity of the
Absolute (s:ty: n:aray:N: p:Üj:a) in the form of easy to understand stories.
The stories about the true identity of the Absolute (s:ty: n:aray:N: p:Üj:a)
traditionally told from the ancient times have a touch of miracles and the generation
of this age do not necessarily believe on such miracles. They believe in the modern
day miracles like the silicon chips in the computer performing variety of functions in
no time but they will not accept the miracles that have been told from generations to
generations in the traditional stories of the true identity of the Absolute
(s:ty: n:aray:N: p:Üj:a). It is my attempt here to tell the same stories to such
generation in a way they can relate.
As I have mentioned before, Pooja (p:Üj:a) means performing our daily
routines with full devotion, full concentration, sincerity and honesty. Satya
(s:ty:) means the truth. Narayana (n:aray:N:) is the Absolute, the
Almighty God of all creation. Satya Narayana Pooja (s:ty: n:aray:N: p:Üj:a)
means an sincere, honest effort with full concentration, full devotion to know the
true identity of the Absolute, the Almighty God.
Once upon a time, in the forest of Naimish (n:òem:\:), Shownuck
(S::òn:k) and several other saints were living. They requested a story teller
(s:Üt:) to tell how one can achieve peace of mind, good health, wealth and
happiness and stay away from the sorrows and miseries of life. The story teller
mentioned that exactly similar question had come in the mind of the great saint
Narada (n:ard) when he was under stress, with disturbed mind and unhappy
to see the suffering of the creatures of the universe.
Saint Narada (n:ard) sat down in deep meditation in search of self
realization. He realize the OM (!), who 'I AM', the beginning of creation,
the awareness of the manifestation, the consciousness that brings this awareness,
when and where it starts and where it ends. With his eyes closed, the great saint
thought of a most beautiful, most handsom, most powerful image, capable of
creating of this infinite space having infinite number of stars in infinite number of
galaxies, this Milky way galaxy, infinite number of stars of the Milky way galaxy,
the solar system of the Milky way galaxy, the sun, the moon, this earth, all the living
and non living entities of this universe, this continent, this nation, this State, this
County, this City, this house, the people around us. Who has created all this
manifestation? Where is He? How does He look? Saint Narada (n:ard)
realized that this creator of the universe is nothing but Almighty God Vishnu
(ev:\N:Ø). This Almighty God has thousands of eyes, thousands of faces,
thousands of hands and feet. This Almighty God is within all the creatures of the
universe, at the same time He is outside all the creatures of the universe. This
Almighty God is very easy to achieve at the same time very difficult to perceive.
This Almighty God is stable and motionless at the same time has a speed faster
than that of mind. This Almighty God is smaller than a smallest atom that you can
think of, at the same time his size is larger than the sky. This Almighty God dwells
always in the hearts of righteous people who consider all the poor, needy, suffering
living entities as their close relatives and friends. This Almighty God lives with
righteous people who always sacrify for the well being of the society. This Almighty
God is those righteous people who always think about the happiness, joy, good will
of the society. This Almighty God is those righteous people who feed the hungry.
This God is within those righteous people who work hard to remove the darkness
of ignorence and spread the light of knowledge. With this realization of the Almighty
God, Saint Narada (n:ard) became happy. All the stress in his mind was gone.
His mind became peaceful. This in turn gave him good health. Good health gives the
strength to work hard. By working hard only one can achieve wealth. Good health,
wealth, generosity, peace of mind automatically follow when a person is self realized,
when a person knows the true identity of the Almighty God.
Thus ends the first chapter of the stories of Satya Narayana (s:ty: n:aray:N:).
.. Â:i g:N:ðS:ay: n:m:H ..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N: p:Üj:a
dÙs:ra ADy:ay:
The Identity of the Absolute
Chapter two
Saint Narada (n:ard) once met a very poor Brahmin in the beautiful city of
Kashi (kaS:i). This poor Brahmin was very hungry, very thursty and was sad
about his condition. Observing his condition Saint Narada (n:ard) approached
him and asked why he was so sad. The poor Brahmin said, "Oh! Saint, How can I
remove the poverty, misery that I am in? I am disturbed, restless. I can not sleep at
nights. Please tell me how can I get rid of the tragedy I am in. Saint Narada
(n:ard) said, "Dear friend, you must first try to understand who you are.
Try to understand the true form, true nature of the Absolute. Please see how the
Satya Narayana Pooja (s:ty: n:aray:N: p:Üj:a) is performed. With this self
realization you will achieve your goal." The Brahmin went home. Next few days he
observed how the Satya Narayana Pooja (s:ty: n:aray:N: p:Üj:a) is
performed. He noticed the simplicity in which the betel nuts, coconut and the pots
are used to understand the true nature of the Absolute. He started the same method
to understand the Absolute truth. He offered his services to his wife as if those are
offered to Goddess Laxmi (l:xm:i). He offered his love to his son as if it was
offered to Bal-Krishna (b:al:ká\N:). He offered his knowledge to his
daughter as if it was offered to Goddess Saraswati (s:rsv:t:i). His outlook
towards the life was changed. He started looking towards each and every living
entity as a part and parcel of the Supreme Absolute. This in turn provided him
peace of mind. His restlessness was gone. He became happy. When the mind is
peaceful, the body reacts positively. His health was improved. With good health
he was able to work hard. Observing his hard work and change in his nature, he
became a desirable person in the society. His social status improved. The honesty,
sincerity and devotion without any desire for material gains provided him with all the
satisfaction that he deserved.
One day, when the Brahmin was performing the Satya Narayana Pooja
(s:ty: n:aray:N: p:Üj:a) he noticed a poor and thirsty firewood seller
at his door with a bundle of firewood on his head. The firewood salesman asked
the Brahmin what he was doing. The Brahmin asked the poor man to stay for a
while and see what he was doing and how one can achieve complete satisfaction
from understanding the true nature of the Absolute. By observing the Satya
Narayana Pooja (s:ty: n:aray:N: p:Üj:a) the firewood salesman became
very happy and decided to follow the footsteps of the Brahmin. With the improved
mental health, his overall health, strength, working habits dramatically improved
and the hard work which he could perform provided him with wealth, good children
and happy family.
Thus ends the second chapter of the stories of Satya Narayana
(s:ty: n:aray:N:).
.. Â:i g:N:ðS:ay: n:m:H ..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N: p:Üj:a
et:s:ra ADy:ay:
The Identity of the Absolute
Chapter three
Once upon a time there was a king named Ulkamukha (ulkam:ØK:) ruling
over the planet earth. He had full control over his body and mind. He was righteous,
devotional, and intelligent person. His beautiful wife Sundervadana
(s:Øndrv:dn:a) had complete devotion towards the King. She was offering
her services to the King as if those were offered to God Narayana
(n:aray:N:). Both of them were used to perform the Satya Narayana Pooja
(s:ty: n:aray:N: p:Üj:a) at the banks of a river with full devotion and sincerity.
One day, while they were performing the Satya Narayana Pooja
(s:ty: n:aray:N: p:Üj:a) a passing merchant named Sadhu (s:aD:Ø)
with his wealth and merchandise saw the King and the Queen performing the
Pooja (p:Üj:a). He docked his ship at the bank of the river and came near
to the King and asked respectfully what they were doing.
The King replied, " Dear Sadhu (s:aD:Ø), There is nothing more satisfying
than to know who we are, who are the living and non living entities surrounding
us and what is the purpose we exist in this universe. The knowledge about the
Absolute truth gives peace of mind, happiness, and good health This in turn makes
one strong and energetic to work hard and to earn the needed material resources
for the sustenance. We can become ideal parents for our progeny and our entire
family can become prosperous. It is my honest belief that performing the
Satya Narayana Pooja (s:ty: n:aray:N: p:Üj:a) can achieve all of this."
The merchant Sadhu (s:aD:Ø) learned all the details about the Satya
Narayana Pooja (s:ty: n:aray:N: p:Üj:a) and said, "I am unhappy
because I do not have any children. I promise that I will perform this Satya
Narayana Pooja (s:ty: n:aray:N: p:Üj:a) when we will receive a child.
" Merchant Sadhu (s:aD:Ø) return back home from his voyage and told his
wife Lilavati (l:il:av:t:i) about the incident. While offering the services to her
husband as if those were offered to God Narayana (n:aray:N:) from the
bottom of her heart, Lilavati (l:il:av:t:i) carried a child and in due course she
delivered a beautiful girl named Kalavati (kl:av:t:i).
One day Lilavati (l:il:av:t:i) asked merchant Sadhu (s:aD:Ü) when was
he going to perform the Satya Narayana Pooja (s:ty: n:aray:N: p:Üj:a).
Merchant Sadhu (s:aD:Ø), ignoring her, promised that he will perform the
Pooja at the wedding of Kalavati (kl:av:t:i).
Kalavati (kl:av:t:i) was growing day by day. At her age of sixteen merchant
Sadhu (s:aD:Ø) planned a big wedding for her with a young merchant from the
city of Kanchan (kaöc:n:). He performed the wedding and after the
wedding he went for voyage with his sun-in-law for business. He forgot about the
Pooja. His entire world was circling around his business and achieving more wealth.
He was always worried about making more money. He was worried about protecting
his wealth. He lost his sleep in such worries. One day, when they were on a business
trip in a town ruled by a King named Chandraketu (c:ndÓkñt:Ø), merchant
Sadhu (s:aD:Ø) and his son-in-law saw couple of thieves running with lots of
jewelry stolen from the king's palace and pursued by king's soldiers. The thieves
dropped the jewelry in front of the place where merchant Sadhu (s:aD:Ø) and
his son-in-law were staying and ran away. When the soldiers saw the jewelry at the
place where merchant Sadhu (s:aD:Ø) and his son-in-law were staying, they
thought that the merchant Sadhu (s:aD:Ø) and his son-in-law must have stolen
the jewelry. They arrested merchant Sadhu (s:aD:Ø) and his son-in-law and
brought in front of the king's court. King Chandraketu (c:ndÓkñt:Ø) ordered
to take all the wealth and jewelry belonging to the merchant Sadhu (s:aD:Ø)
and his son-in-law and placed them in the prison.
Lilavati (l:il:av:t:i) and her daughter (kl:av:t:i) had no other alternative
than to beg for food and survive somehow. They were under lots of mental pressure
and stress. They were suffering from hunger, thirst and sickness due to this stress.
One day, when they were begging for food in front of a Brahmin's house, they saw
and heard the Satya Narayan Pooja (s:ty:n:aray:N: p:Üj:a) being performed
by the Brahmin. Both of them became calm and happy when they realized the
Absolute truth. They started to perform the Satya Narayan Pooja
(s:ty:n:aray:N: p:Üj:a) regularly. With the peace of mind, self realization,
knowing who they were, what the purpose of life was, they started serving the
society and other needy poor people in the society. Their social status improved
dramatically and one day they were able to prove to King Chandraketu
(c:ndÓkñt:Ø) that their husbands were innocent but were lost in knowing
what the purpose of life was. The king released merchant Sadhu (s:aD:Ø) and
his son-in-law, gave them twice the wealth seized from them and advised them to
understand the Absolute truth, know who they were, why they were and what was
the purpose of their life. Asked them to fight for righteousness, help to improve
the society keeping in mind that all the entities in the society are part and parcels
of the Supreme Absolute.
Thus ends the third chapter of the stories of Satya Narayana (s:ty:n:aray:N:).
.. Â:i g:N:ðS:ay: n:m:H ..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N: p:Üj:a
c::òT:a ADy:ay:
The Identity of the Absolute
Chapter four
Merchant Sadhu (s:aD:Ø), afterwards to avoid any obstacles during his
journey donated some money to a Brahmin, took his blessings and proceeded
his journey to his home town. The King Chandraketu (c:ndÓkñt:Ø)
of course, being a righteous man had a duty to see that Merchant Sadhu
(s:aD:Ø) has really changed and has become honest and sincere. He
asked his secret service police to test the sincerity of Merchant Sadhu
(s:aD:Ø). One of the secret service police dressed as a saintly man with
safrin clothes, approached Merchant Sadhu(s:aD:Ø), and asked what
they had in their ship. Merchant Sadhu (s:aD:Ø) and his son-in-law
arongantly laughed and asked if the secret service police in saintly dress
wanted to steal their wealth. They told him that there was nothing but dry
hey in the ship. The other secret service police men heard it from a long
distance and arranged to switch the wealth in the ship of Merchant Sadhu
(s:aD:Ø) with dry hey without their knowledge.
Merchant Sadhu (s:aD:Ø), and his son-in-law completed their business
in the town where they had stopped and came to the ship to continue their journey.
When they checked their ship they noticed that there was nothing but dry hey in
their ship. Both of them were shocked, fainted and fell unconscious on the shore.
When they became conscious they thought that the saintly man had super natural
powers and changed all their wealth into dry hey. They came back and surendered
unto the saintly looking service man in safrin clothes and appologised and asked
for furgiveness. The secret service police man told the Merchant Sadhu
(s:aD:Ø), the truth about him and warned him to follow king's advise,
returned their wealth and asked them to proceed with their journey. Merchant
Sadhu (s:aD:Ø), and his son-in-law promised the police men that they will
work hard for the good of the society, try to understand who they were and to
understand the Absolute truth. They promised that they will always seek the right
and stay away from wrong. They will use their intellect which has been received
from the Absolute and use it properly to seek always the right. Merchant Sadhu
(s:aD:Ø) and his son-in-law proceeded for their journey home.
Here in the home town of the Merchant Sadhu (s:aD:Ø), in Diamond Bar
(rtn:p:Øri), Lilavati (l:il:av:t:i) and Kalavati (kl:av:t:i) heard the
news that their husbands are coming. They were very exited and happy. They were
requested by the respected elderly people in the town to perform the Satya Narayan
Pooja (s:ty: n:aray:N: p:Üj:a). Even though they were performing the Pooja,
their mind was wandering towords their husbands. They were so eager to see their
husbands, that they forgot what they were doing and with their husbands as the
only thought in their mind, they rushed to the harbor to greet their husbands. They
heard that one of the ships had sunk in the bottom of the sea. With the only thought
about their husbands, when they could not see their husbands, they asumed that their
husbands were dead. With the great pressure on their mind they fainted and became
unconscious. When they became conscious, one of the holy and elderly man from
the town told them that they are completely forgetting what they were doing. They
did not have complete peace of mind. They did not make intellect decision between
what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes things appear to be right but they are
wrong. For an example, there is a Department of Motor Vehicles regulation that
at an intersection, if there exists a painted cross walk, the pedestrians have the right
of Way. If a person assumes that he is right and the on coming vehicle is wrong and
proceeds to cross the intersection, be certain that the pedestrian is wrong. He is not
using his intellegence. Therefore, please be calm. Know what is right and what is
wrong. Do not drop what you were doing without completing it and run towards
the unknown. Know who you are, what is the purpose of life and surunder unto
the Absolute. When Lilavati (l:il:av:t:i) and Kalavati (kl:av:t:i) followed
the guidence of the elderly holy man, they realised that they were unnecessarily
worried about their husbands, their husbands were alive and well. When their
husbands heard about what had occured, all of them decided that there is nothing
more rewarding than performing the Satya Narayana Pooja with complete devotion,
sincerity and honesty without any desire for any personal gain.
Thus ends the fourth chapter of the stories of Satya Narayana (s:ty: n:aray:N:).
.. Â:i g:N:ðS:ay: n:m:H ..
Â:is:ty:n:aray:N: p:Üj:a
p:aöc:v:a ADy:ay:
The Identity of the Absolute
Chapter five
Once upon a time there was a king named Angadhwaj (A¤Dv:j:).
He was well known about protecting his people but was unhappy because
ignoring their needs. He never joined them in their happy or sad occasions.
Once when he was returning from his hunting trip, he noticed that some dairy
farmers were sitting togather and performing the Satya Narayana Pooja
(s:ty:n:aray:N: p:Üj:a). Even though they invited the King to join them,
he ignored and went back to his palace. This unconsciously started bothering him.
He became unhappy. He lost his sleep. Constantly he was ill. This affected adversly
on his family. Due to his incapacity, his revenue started droping. He lost his wealth.
His sons started fighting with each other and eventually many of them died while
fighting with each other. One of the dairy farmers saw the sad king and offered help
by requesting him to understand and perceive the Absolute. He told him that if the
people in his rule are happy, he will be happy too. Caring for the poor, seeking the
Almighty God in the houses of the poor, providing them food, shelter and jobs will
make them work hard for the good of the society. He told the king the true meaning
of Pooja. He told the simplest way to understand Satya Narayana
(s:ty:n:aray:N:). Taking the advise from the dairy farmer, the king started
doing his every day routines with honesty, sincerity and full devotion. His love
towards the people in his kingdom increased. Every citizen in his kingdom started
loving the king. They started working hard for the good of the society. This in turn
increased king's revenue. He bcame happy.
Therefore, everyone must try to understand the true identity of the Absolute.
Everyone should make proper selection between what is right and what is wrong.
Everyone should offer his or her services to the other as if these are offered to
God Narayana (n:aray:N:) or Goddess Laxmi (l:xm:i). With love
towards each other, the entire earth will be a happy place to live. There will be
nothing but God where ever you see.
Thus ends the fifth chapter of the stories of Satya Narayana (s:ty: n:aray:N:).
.. AT: s:rsv:t:ip:Üj:a ..
\bf Appreciation of the Book
We have received the knowledge of the true nature of the Absolute from this book.
Let us therefore, consider this as our goddess of knowledge and offer her red
powder, turmeric powder, rice as ornaments, give her the smell of incense sticks,
see her using the lamp and offer her some money.
AT: v:Òt:a¤B:Üt:m:Î p:Øst:ksT: Â:is:rsv:t:i p:Üj:n:m:Î..
! Â:i kñS:v:ay: n:m:H. n:aray:N:ay: n:m:H.
m:aD:v:ay: n:m:H. g::ðev:nday: n:m:H.
ev:\N:v:ð n:m:H. m:D:Øs:Üdn:ay: n:m:H.
e*:ev:#m:ay: n:m:H. v:am:n:ay: n:m:H.
Â:iD:ray: n:m:H. Æe\:kñS:ay: n:m:H.
p:¼n:aB:ay: n:m:H. dam::ðdray: n:m:H.
s:ök\:üN:ay: n:m:H. v:as:Ødðv:ay: n:m:H.
)½Ømn:ay: n:m:H. Aen:,¹ay: n:m:H.
p:Ø,\::ð¶:m:ay: n:m:H. AD::ðx:j:ay: n:m:H.
n:ares:öhay: n:m:H. Acy:Øt:ay: n:m:H.
j:n:adün:ay: n:m:H. up:ðndÓay: n:m:H.
hry:ð n:m:H. ! Â:iká\N:ay: n:m:H.
A½ p:Üv::ðücc:ert: v:t:üm:an: Ov:m:Î g:ØN:ev:S:ð\:N:
ev:eS:Åay:am:Î S:ØB: p:ØNy:et:T::ò
m:m: A:tm:n:H Â:Øet: sm:àet: p:ØraN::ðVt: Pl: )apty:T:üm:Î
Â:ip:rm:ðÃ:r )ity:T:üm:Î s:ty:n:aray:N: v:Òt:a¤B:Üt:m:Î
s:rsv:t:ip:Üj:n:m:Î vy:as:p:Üj:n:m:Î c: ker\y:ð.
p:Øst:ksT: Â:is:rsv:t:idðvy:ò n:m:H.
s:v::ðüp:c:araT:ðü g:nD:ax:t:p:Ø\p:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Â:is:rsv:t:idðvy:ò n:m:H.
herdÓam:Î kÙ¢Ûm:m:Î s::òB:agy:dÓvy:m:Î c: s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Â:is:rsv:t:idðvy:ò n:m:H.
D:Üp:m:Î dip:m:Î n:òv:ð½m:Î c: s:m:p:üy:aem:.
! )aN:ay: sv:aha. ! Ap:an:ay: sv:aha.
! vy:an:ay: sv:aha. !udan:ay: sv:aha.
! s:m:an:ay: sv:aha. ! b:ÒÉN:ð sv:aha.
n:òv:ð½m:Dy:ð p:an:iy:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
u¶:rap::ðS:n:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
hst:)x:al:n:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
m:ØK:)x:al:n:m:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
m:ØK:v:as:aT:ðü p:Üg:iPl: t:amb:Ül:m:Î
s:Øv:N:ü en:\#y: dex:N:am:Î s:m:p:üy:aem:.
Â:is:rsv:t:idðvy:ò n:m:H.
m:ö*:ax:t:an:Î p:Ø\p:m:Î c: s:m:p:üy:aem:.
An:ðn: kát: s:rsv:t:ip:Üj:n:ðn: t:ðn:
Â:is:rsv:t:idðvy:ò n:m:H.
At the time of offering the water and food received from the Almighty God
to our guests, we say:
n:m::ðstv:n:nt:ay: s:h+m:Üt:üy:ð s:h+p:adaex:r:ð,b:ahv:ð.
s:h+n:amn:ð p:Ø,\:ay: S:aÃ:t:ð s:h+k:ðXi y:Øg:D:aerN:ð n:m:H..
Akal:m:àty:Ø hrN:m:Î s:v:üvy:aeD: ev:n:aS:n:m:Î.
ev:\N:Øp:ad:ðdkm:Î t:iT:üm:Î j:Yrð D:ary:amy:hm:Î..
p:ad:ðdkm:Î s:ty:dðv: n:r:ðH y:H ep:b:t:ð t:v:.
t:sy:ant:g:üt:j:m:Î p:ap:m:Î n:Sy:t:ð n:a*: s:öS:y:H..
n:aray:N:m:Î )s:adm:Î t:Ø g:àhitv:a B:eVt:B:av:t:H.
s:v:aün:Î kam:an:Î Av:apn::ðet: )ðty: s:ay:Øjy:m:apn:Øy:at:Î..
A:rt:i s:ög:Òh
A:rt:i g:N:ðS:ac:i
s:ØK:kt:aü dÙHK:ht:aü v:at:aü ev:Gn:ac:i.
n:Ørv:i p:Ørv:i )ðm: káp:a j:y:ac:i..
s:v:aü¤i s:Øndr ueX S:ðndÝrac:i.
kNYi J:Lkñ m:aL m:ØVt:aPLaöc:i.. 1..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: j:y: m:¤l:m:Üt:iü.
dS:ün:m:a*:ð m:n:Hkam:n:a p:Ørt:i.. D:à..
rtn:K:ec:t: Pra t:Øj: g::òrikÙm:ra.
c:ndn:ac:i A:ðXi kÙ¢Ûm:kñS:ra..
ehrðj:eRt: m:Øg:ØX S::ðB:t::ð b:ra.
,N:J:ØN:t:i n:Üp:Ürð c:rN:i G:ag:ery:a.. 2..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: j:y: m:¤l:m:Üt:iü.
dS:ün:m:a*:ð m:n:Hkam:n:a p:Ørt:i..
l:mb::ðdr p:it:amb:r PeN:v:rb:nD:n:a.
s:rL s::ðNR v:#t:ØNR e*:n:y:n:a..
das: ram:ac:a v:aX p:ahð s:dn:a.
s:ökXi p:av:av:ð en:v:aüN:i rx:av:ð s:Ørv:rv:ndn:a.. 3..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: j:y: m:¤l:m:Üt:iü.
dS:ün:m:a*:ð m:n:Hkam:n:a p:Ørt:i..
A:rt:i S:¢rac:i
l:v:T:v:t:i ev:#aLa b:ÒÉaNRi m:aLa.
v:i\:ð kNY kaLa e*:n:ð*:i jv:aLa..
l:av:Ny: s:Øndr m:st:ki b:aLa.
t:ðT:Øen:y:a j:L v:ahð en:m:üL J:ØLJ:ØLa.. 1..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: j:y: Â:iS:¢ra.
A:rt:i A:ðv:aLÝ t:Øj: kp:Øürg::òra.. D:à..
kp:Øüg::òüra B::ðLa n:y:n:i ev:S:aLa.
AD:aü¤i p:av:üt:i s:Øm:n:aöcy:a m:aLa..
ev:B:Øt:ic:ð uD:LN: eS:et:kNY n:iLa.
Oðs:a S:¢r S::ðB:ð um:av:ðlhaLa.. 2..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: j:y: Â:iS:¢ra.
A:rt:i A:ðv:aLÝ t:Øj: kp:Øürg::òra..
dðv:i dòty:i s:ag:rm:nT:n: p:ò kñl:ð.
ty:am:aj:i Av:ec:t: hLhL j:ð uYl:ð..
t:ð tv:aö As:Ørp:N:ð )aS:n: kñl:ð.
n:il:kNY n:am: )es:¹ J:al:ð.. 3..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: j:y: Â:iS:¢ra.
A:rt:i A:ðv:aLÝ t:Øj: kp:Øürg::òra..
vy:aG:Òamb:r PeN:v:rD:r s:Øndr m:dn:ari.
p:öc:an:n: m:n:m::ðhn: m:Øen:j:n: s:ØK:kari..
S:t:k:ðXic:ð b:ij: v:ac:ð ucc:ari.
rG:ØkÙLeXLk ram:das:a Ant:ri.. 4..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: j:y: Â:iS:¢ra.
A:rt:i A:ðv:aLÝ t:Øj: kp:Øürg::òra..
A:rt:i dÙg:aü B:v:an:ic:i
dÙg:ðü dÙG:üX B:ari t:Øj:ev:N: s:ös:ari.
An:aT: n:aT:ð Amb:ð k,N:a ev:st:ari..
v:ari v:ari j:nm: m:rN:aöt:ð v:ari.
hari p:Rl::ð A:t:aö s:NkX n:iv:ari.. 1..
j:y:dðv:i j:y:dðv:i j:y: m:eh\:as:Ørm:T:n:i.
s:Ørv:r IÃ:rv:rdð t:ark s:öej:v:n:i.. D:à..
e*:B:Øv:n:B:Øv:n:i p:aht:aö t:Øj: OðS:i n:ahi.
c:ari Â:m:l:ð p:röt:Ø n: b::ðl:v:ð kaöhi..
s:ahi ev:v:ad krt:aö p:Rl:ð )v:ahi.
t:ð t:Üö B:Vt:al:ag:i p:av:es: l:v:l:ahi.. 2..
j:y:dðv:i j:y:dðv:i j:y: m:eh\:as:Ørm:T:n:i.
s:Ørv:r IÃ:rv:rdð t:ark s:öej:v:n:i..
)s:Àv:dn:ð )s:À h:ðs:i en:j:das:aö.
Vl:ðS:aöp:as:Øen: s::ðRev: t::ðRi B:v:p:aS:aö..
Amb:ð t:Øj:v:aöc:Ün: k:ðN: p:Ørev:l: A:S:a.
n:rher t:ell:n: J:al:a p:dp:ökj:l:ðS:a.. 3..
j:y:dðv:i j:y:dðv:i j:y: m:eh\:as:Ørm:T:n:i.
s:Ørv:r IÃ:rv:rdð t:ark s:öej:v:n:i..
A:rt:i ev:YÏYl:ac:i
y:Øg:ðö AYÏYav:is: ev:Xðv:ri uB:a.
v:am:a¤i rK:Øm:aI eds:ð edvy: S::ðB:a..
p:ØNRel:kac:ð B:ðXi p:rb:ÒÉ A:l:ð g:a.
c:rN:i v:ahð B:im:a u¹ri j:g:a .. 1..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: j:y: p:aNRÙrög:a.
rK:Øm:aIv:ll:B:a rahicy:a v:ll:B:a p:av:ð ej:v:l:g:a..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: .. D:à..
t:ØLs:im:aLa g:Laö kr Yðv:Øen: kXi.
kaös:ð p:it:amb:r kst:Øer l:ll:aXi..
dðv: s:Ørv:r en:ty: y:ðt:i B:ðXi.
g:,R hn:Øm:nt: p:ØZð uB:ð raht:i.. 2..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: j:y: p:aNRÙrög:a.
rK:Øm:aIv:ll:B:a rahicy:a v:ll:B:a p:av:ð ej:v:l:g:a..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: ..
D:ny: v:ðN:Øn:ad An:Øx:ð*: p:aLa.
s:Øv:N:aüc:i km:Lð v:n:m:aLa g:Laö..
rahi rK:Øm:ab:aI raN:iy:a s:kLa.
A:ðv:aeLt:i raj:a ev:Y:ðb:a s:aöv:La.. 3..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: j:y: p:aNRÙrög:a.
rK:Øm:aIv:ll:B:a rahicy:a v:ll:B:a p:av:ð ej:v:l:g:a..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: ..
A:ðv:aLÝ A:rty:a kÙv:üN´a y:ðt:i.
c:ndÓB:ag:ðm:aj:i s::ðRÙen:y:a dðt:i..
edö´a p:t:aka v:ò\N:v: n:ac:t:i..
p:öZric:a m:ehm:a v:N:aüv:a ekt:i.. 4..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: j:y: p:aNRÙrög:a.
rK:Øm:aIv:ll:B:a rahicy:a v:ll:B:a p:av:ð ej:v:l:g:a..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: ..
A:\:aZi kaet:üki B:Vt:j:n: y:ðt:i.
c:ndÓB:ag:ðm:aj:i sn:an: j:ð kert:i..
dS:ün:hðLam:a*:ð t:y:a h:ðy: m:ØVt:i.
kñS:v:as:i n:am:dðv: B:av:ð A:ðv:aeLt:i.. 5..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: j:y: p:aNRÙrög:a.
rK:Øm:aIv:ll:B:a rahicy:a v:ll:B:a p:av:ð ej:v:l:g:a..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: ..
A:rt:i n:àes:öhac:i
kRkRl:a st:mB: g:Rg:Rl:ð g:g:n:.
Av:n:i h:ðt:ð A:hð kmp:ay:m:an:..
t:Rt:Rt:i n:x:*:ð t:ØXt:at:i j:aN:.
Ug:Ò-p:ð )g:Xð t::ð es:öhv:dn:.. 1..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: j:y: n:rher ray:a.
A:rt:i A:ðv:aLÝ m:haraj:v:y:aü.. D:à..
Okv:is: sv:g:ü m:ay:a RLm:Ll:i kós:i.
b:ÒÉy:acy:a v:aXð AeB:n:v: ec:¶:as:i..
c:ndÓs:Üy:ü d:ðnhi l::ðp:et: )kaS:i.
kól:as:i eS:v:S:¢r dc:kñ m:an:s:i.. 2..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: j:y: n:rher ray:a.
A:rt:i A:ðv:aLÝ m:haraj:v:y:aü..
T:rT:rt:i ty:a j:Xa ej:vha l:Ll:Lit:.
t:ixN: m:ØK:an:ð t::ð dòty: ev:darit:..
AD:aü¤i km:l:j:a eS:er Cay:a D:ert:.
m:aD:v:das:a sv:am:i n:rher S::ðB:t:.. 3..
j:y:dðv: j:y:dðv: j:y: n:rher ray:a.
A:rt:i A:ðv:aLÝ m:haraj:v:y:aü..
A:rt:i j:g:diÃ:rac:i
! j:y: j:g:diS: hrð. sv:am:i j:y: j:g:diS: hrð.
B:Vt: j:n::ðökñ s:ökX das:j:n::ðökñ s:ökX
x:N:m:ð dÝr krð. sv:am:i j:y: j:g:diS: hrð.. D:à..
j::ð Dy:av:ð Pl: p:av:ð. dÙHK: ev:n:s:ð m:n:ka.
s:ØK: s:öp:et: G:r A:v:ð. kÄ em:Xð t:n:ka.. 1..
m:at: ep:t:a t:Øm: m:ðrð. S:rN: g:hÞö m:ò eks:ki.
t:Øm:eb:n: A:òr n: dÝj:a. A:ös: k- ej:s:ki.. 2..
t:Øm: p:ÜrN: p:rm:at:m:. t:Øm: Ant:y:aüm:i.
p:arb:ÒÉ p:rm:ðÃ:r. t:Øm: s:b:kñ sv:am:i.. 3..
t:Øm: k,N:akñ s:ag:r. t:Øm: p:al:n:kt:aü.
m:ò s:ðv:k t:Øm: sv:am:i. káp:a kr:ð B:t:aü.. 4..
t:Øm: h:ð Ok Ag::ðc:r. s:b:kñ )aN:p:et:.
eks: ev:eD: em:l:Ü dy:am:y:. t:Øm:k:ð m:ò kÙm:et:.. 5..
din:b:nD:Ø dÙHK:ht:aü. t:Øm: rx:k m:ðrð.
k,N:a hst: b:ZaA:ð. ¾ar p:Ra t:ðrð.. 6..
ev:\:y: ev:kar em:XaA:ð. p:ap: hr:ð dðv:a.
Â:¹a B:eVt: b:ZaA:ð. s:nt:n:ki s:ðv:a.. 7..
G:ael:n: l::ðXaög:N: v:ndin: c:rN:.
R:ðMy:an:i p:aehn: -p: t:ØJ:ð..
)ðm:ð A:el:öeg:n: A:n:ndð p:Üej:n:.
B:av:ð A:ðv:aeLn: mhN:ð n:am:a.. 1..
tv:m:ðv: m:at:a c: ep:t:a tv:m:ðv:.
tv:m:ðv: b:nD:ØÁ: s:K:a tv:m:ðv:..
tv:m:ðv: ev:½a c: dÓev:N:m:Î tv:m:ðv:.
tv:m:ðv: s:v:üm:Î m:m: dðv:dðv:.. 2..
kay:ðn: v:ac:a m:n:s:ðendÓy:òv:aü.
b:عÐy:atm:n:a v:a )káet:sv:B:av:at:Î..
kr:ðem: y:½t:Î s:kl:m:Î p:rsm:ò.
n:aray:N:ay:ðet: s:m:p:üy:aem:.. 3..
Acy:Øt:m:Î kñS:v:m:Î ram: n:aray:N:m:Î.
ká\N:dam::ðdrm:Î v:as:Ødðv:m:Î herm:Î..
Â:iD:rm:Î m:aD:v:m:Î g::ðep:kav:ll:B:m:Î..
j:an:kin:ay:km:Î ram:c:ndÓm:Î B:j:ð.. 4..
hrð ram: hrð ram:. ram: ram: hrð hrð.
hrð ká\N: hrð ká\N:. ká\N: ká\N: hrð hrð.. 5..
y:wðn: y:wm:j:y:nt: dðv:ast:aen: D:m:aüeN: )T:m:any:as:n:Î.
t:ð h n:akm:Î m:ehm:an:H s:c:nt: y:*: p:Üv:ðü s:aDy:aH s:ent: dðv:aH..
! raj:aeD:raj:ay: )s:Ê s:aehn:ð. n:m::ð v:y:m:Î v:òÂ:v:N:ay: kÙm:ühð..
s: m:ð kam:an:Î kam:kam:ay: m:Êm:Î kam:ðÃ:r:ð v:òÂ:v:N::ð ddat:Ø.
kÙb:ðray: v:òÂ:v:N:ay: m:haraj:ay: n:m:H.
! sv:est: s:am:Òajy:m:Î B::òjy:m:Î sv:arajy:m:Î v:òrajy:m:Î
p:arm:ð\¯m:Î rajy:m:Î m:harajy:m:aeD:p:ty:m:y:m:Î
s:m:nt:p:y:aüy:i sy:at:Î s:av:üB::òm:H s:av:aüy:Ø\: A:nt:adap:raD:aüt:Î.
p:àeT:v:ò s:m:ØdÓp:y:ünt:ay:a OkraeLet:..
t:dpy:ð\:Sl::ðk:ð|eB:eg:t::ð m:,t:H p:erv:òÄar:ð m:,¶:sy:a v:s:n:Î g:àhð.
A:ev:ex:t:sy: kam:)ðev:üÃ:ðdðv:aH s:B:as:d Eet:..
! S:aent:H S:aent:H S:aent:H..
A:t:aö ev:Ã:atm:kñ dðv:ðö. y:ðN:ðö v:agy:wð t::ð\:av:ðö.
t::ð\::ðen: m:j: ½av:ðö. p:s:ay:dan: hðö.. 1..
Let the Gods of the universe be pleased with my prayers.
Let them give me their blessings with pleasure. (1)
j:ð K:Laöec: vy:NkXi s:aNR:ð. t:y:a s:tkm:iü rt:i v:aZ:ð.
B:Üt:aö p:rsp:rð j:R:ð m:ò*: j:iv:ac:ðö.. 2..
Let all the ill mannered people come to their senses and let the seeds of
goodness grow in their hearts. Let all the living entities be friends forever. (2)
dÙert:aöc:ðö et:em:r j:av::ð. ev:Ã: sv:D:m:ü s:Üy:ðü p:ah:ð.
j::ð j:ðö v:aöCil: t::ð t:ðö l:ah:ð )aeN:j:at:.. 3..
Let the darkness of ignorance be vanished and
let the entire universe see the sunshine of righteousness.
Let the desires of all the living beings be fulfilled. (3)
v:\:üt: s:kL m:ög:Li. IÃ:ren:Åaöc:i m:aöedy:aLi.
An:v:rt: B:Üt:Li. B:ðX:ð t:y:aö B:Üt:aö.. 4..
Let there be presence of righteous people on this earth all the time and
let them shower their grace upon all the creatures of this world. (4)
c:l:aö klp:t:-öc:ð Arv:. c:ðt:n:aec:öt:am:N:iöc:ð g:aöv:.
b::ðl:t:ð j:ð AN:üv:. p:iy:Ü\:ac:ðö.. 5..
These righteous people are the real devotees of the Lord of the universe.
They are like the wishing wells. The are the dwellings of consciousness.
Their thoughts are like the oceans of nectar. (5)
c:ndÓm:ð j:ð Al::ðCn:. m:at:üNR j:ð t:ap:hin:.
t:ð s:v:aüöhi s:da s:jj:n:. s::ðy:rð h:ðt:Ø.. 6..
They are like spotless moon. They are like sun which never gives sunburns.
Let such compassionate people be always our neighbors. (6)
eköb:hÚn:a s:v:ü s:ØK:i. p:ÜN:ü h:ðv::ðen: et:hiö l::ðkiö.
B:ej:j::ð A:edp:Ø,\:iö. AK:eNRt:.. 7..
Let all the creatures of the universe be full of happiness. And let them always be
the devotees of the Lord of the universe, the universal consciousness. (7)
sv:est: )j:aBy:H p:erp:al:y:nt:am:Î.
ny:ayy:ðn: m:ag:ðüN: m:him:Î m:hiS:aH..
g::ðb:ÒaÉN:ðBy:H S:ØB:m:st:Ø en:ty:m:Î.
l::ðkaH s:m:st:aH s:ØeK:n::ð B:v:nt:Ø.. 1..
kal:ð v:\:üt:Ø p:j:üny:H. p:àeT:v:i s:sy:S:ael:n:i.
dðS::ð|y:m:Î x::ðB:reht::ð. b:ÒaÉN:aH s:nt:Ø en:B:üy:aH.. 2..
Ap:Ø*:aH p:Øe*:N:H s:nt:Ø. p:Øe*:N:H s:nt:Ø p::òe*:N:H.
AD:n:aH s:D:n:aH s:nt:Ø. j:iv:nt:Ø S:rdaH S:t:m:Î.. 3..
s:v:ðü|*: s:ØeK:n:H s:nt:Ø. s:v:ðü s:nt:Ø en:ram:y:aH.
s:v:ðü B:dÓaeN: p:Sy:nt:Ø. m:a keÁ:t:Î dÙHK:m:apn:Øy:at:Î.. 4..
v:den: kv:L G:ðt:aö n:am: Gy:a Â:ihric:ðö.
s:hj: hv:n: h:ðt:ðö n:am: G:ðt:aö PÙkac:ðö..
ej:v:n: ker ej:ev:tv:a AÀ hðö p:ÜN:üb:ÒÉ.
udrB:rN: n::ðhð j:aeN:j:ð y:wkm:ü.. 1..
Ahm:Î v:òÃ:an:r:ð B:Ütv:a )aeN:n:am:Î dðhm:aeÂ:t:H.
)aN:ap:an:s:m:ay:ØVt:H p:c:amy:Àm:Î c:t:Øev:üD:m:Î.. 2..
! s:h n:av:v:t:Ø. s:h n::ò B:Øn:Vt:Ø. s:h v:iy:üm:Î krv:av:hò.
t:ðj:esv:n:av:D:it:m:st:Ø. m:a ev:e¾\:av:hò.. 3..
! S:aent:H S:aent:H S:aent:H..
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